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Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Four best asanas according to Shiva

Four best asanas among eighty four taught by Shiva

Chaturasityasanani sivena kathitani vai /

Tebhyas chatushkam adaya sarabhutam bravimyaham//(Chapter -1, Verse -33)

Among all the eighty-four Asanas were taught by Shiva. Out of those ‘I’ shall now describe the four important Asanas. (Chapter -1, Verse-33)

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Siddham padmam tatha simham bhadram veti chatushtayam/

Sreshtham tatrapi cha sukhe tishthetsiddhasane sada//(Chapter -1, Verse-34)

Siddhasana, padmasana, simhasana and bhadrasana, these are the four essential Asanas. Always sit comfortably in Siddhasana because it is the bestamong all the asanas. (Chapter -1, Verse-34)

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(1). Siddhasana (Adept’s Pose)

Yonisthanakam angghrimulaghatitam   Krtva drdham vinyaset /

Mendhre padam  athaikameva hrdaye Krtva hanum susthiram //

Sthanuh samyamitendriyoa chaladrsa pasyed bhruvor antaram/

Hyetan mokshakapatabhedajanakam Siddhasanam prochyate//(Chapter -1, Verse -35)

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Press the perineum with the heel of one foot, place the other foot on top of the genitals. Having done this, rest the chin on to the chest. Remaining still and steady, with the senses controlled, gaze steadily into the eyebrow center; it breaks open the door to liberation. This is called siddhasana. (Chapter -1, Verse -35).

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(2). Padmasana (lotus pose)

Vamorupari dakshinam cha charanam Samsthapya vamam tatha /

Dakshorupari paschimena vidhina Dhrtva karabhyam drdham //

Angghushthau hrdaye nidhaya Chibukam nasaghramalokayet /

Etadvyadhivinasakari yaminam Padmasanam prochyate//(Chapter -1, Verse 44)

Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh, cross the hands behind the back and firmly hold the toes. Press the chin against the chest and look at the tip of the nose. This is called padmasana, the destroyer of a yogi’s diseases. (Chapter -1, Verse- 44).

Uttanau charanau krtva urusamsthau prayatnatah /

Urumadhye tathottanau pani krtva tato drsau//(Chapter -1, Verse-45)

Place the feet on the thighs, soles upward, palms in the middle of the groin, facing upward. (Chapter -1, Verse-45).

Nasaghre vinyasedrajadantamule tu jihvaya/

Uttambhya chibukam vakshasyutthapy pavanam sanaih//(Chapter -1, Verse-46)

Gaze at the nose tip, keeping the tongue pressed against the root of the upper teeth and the chin against the chest, and slowly raise the prana upward. (Chapter -1, Verse-46)

Idam padmasanam proktam sarvavyadhivinasanam/

Durlabham yena kenapi dhimata labhyate bhuvi//(Chapter -1, Verse-47)

This is called padmasana, destroyer of all diseases. Ordinary people cannot achieve this posture, only the few wise ones on this earth can do.    (Chapter -1, Verse -47)

(3). Simhasana (lion’s pose)

Ghulphau cha vrshanasyadhah Sivantyah parsvayoh kshipet/

Dakshine savyaghulpham tu Dakshaghulpham tu savyake//(Chapter -1, Verse-50).

Place the ankles below the scrotum, right ankle on the left side, left ankle on the right side of the perineum. (Chapter -1,Verse-50).

Hastau tu janvoh samsthapya Svangghulih samprasarya cha /

Vyattavaktro niriksheta nasaghram susamahitah// (Chapter -1, Verse-51).

Place the palms on the knees, fingers spread apart, keep the mouth open and gaze at the nose tip with a concentrated mind.(Chapter -1, Verse-51).

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Simhasanam bhavedetatpujitam yoghipungghavaih /

Bandhatritayasandhanam kurute chasanottamam//(Chapter -1, Verse-52).

This is simhasana, held in great esteem by the highest yogis. This most excellent asana facilitates the three bandhas. (Chapter -1, Verse-52).

(4). Bhadrasana (gracious pose)

Ghulphau cha vrshanasyadhah Sivantyah parsvayoh kshipet /

Savyaghulpham tatha savye Dakshaghulpham tu dakshine //

Parsvapadau cha panibhyam Drdham baddhva sunischalam /

Bhadrasanam bhavedetatsarvavyadhivinasanam //(Chapter -1, Verse- 53).

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Place the ankles below the genitals on the sides by the perineum, left ankle on the left (side) right ankle on the right (side).(Chapter -1, Verse- 53).

Ghorakshasanamityahuridam vai siddhayoghinah/

Evamasanabandheshu yogindro vighatasramah //

Abhyasennadikasuddhim mudradipavanakriyam/(Chapter -1, Verse-54).

Then hold the feet, which are on their sides, firmly with the hands and remain motionless. This is bhadrasana which destroys all diseases. The yogis who are perfected (siddhas) call it gorakshasana. (Chapter -1, Verse-54).

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