Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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According to yogic view diseases and ailments are the result of faulty ways of living, bad habits, lack of proper knowledge of things related to individual’s life and improper food. The diseases are thus the resultant state of short as prolonged malfunctioning of the body system.  This malfunctioning is caused by an imbalanced internal condition, created due to certain errors of the individuals.

The yogic process of treatment comprises three steps

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  1. Proper diet
  2. Proper yoga practice
  • Proper knowledge of things.


The diet is recommended according to the nature of the disease and condition of the patient.  A diet chart for breakfast, lunch, dinner is prepared for each patient according to his body condition and the nature of his disease.

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   The most common items of diet for almost all yoga practitioners are:

Fruits, salad, leafy vegetables, green vegetables and pulses.  Whatever be the variations in diet – chart of patients, all of them are asked to follow some basic principles of eating which means.

  • To eat slowly
  • To eat only 85% of the capacity.
  • To avoid drinking water while eating
  • Not to eat hot, spicy, fried and roasted food.
  • Not to take more than one or two cups of coffee or tea in a day and if possible to stop these completely.
  • To avoid the use of alcohol.


The patient is asked to practice yoga according to his disease and his bodily conditions. In a majority of the cases a regular practice of only a few asanas is enough for curing the diseases. In some of the diseases, the practice of pranayama together with the asanas becomes essential for good results.

In certain cases. Specific kriyas, bandhas, mudras and yogic techniques are used for the desired result.

A large number of diseases are cured within two months of yoga practice.  In certain cases, it takes about four months or even more.  Diseases that take a longer time are diabetes, obesity, ulcer, mental health cases etc.


 Though most of the patients are cured with only proper diet and yoga practice. There are some cases which are complicated.  Some patients develop diseases and disorders on account of their false assumptions, unhealthy habits, and lack of proper knowledge about life, nature and society.

In such cases a lot of things need to be told to the patient which are informative conceptual, theoretical and also philosophical, yogic literature is very rich in this respect and is divided into two main categories.

  • Spiritual interpretation of things
  • Scientific interpretation of things.

 However, the literature is available in the second category is much less than in the first one. Depending upon the nature of disease, a patient is counseled and informed in detail about the various concerned aspects of life.


  • Yoga cannot be of much use in acute diseases and infective diseases. But it can prevent such attacks by improving one’s general resistance and power of immunity.  It could also provide rehabilitatory treatment after the diseases have been tackled successfully and help restoration of function which results in the real cure of the diseases.
  • Yoga seems to have only a few contra indications. But various practices of yoga will have to be prescribed with due caution and care bearing in mind the physiological effect of each procedure being applied.
  • Yoga should not give in
  • Below 5 Years of children
  • During menstruation
  • During pregnancy
  • Weak Persons.
  • Hernia – all yoga practices that are likely to increase the intra – abdominal pressure have to be avoided.
  • Spondylosis – Bending and stretching should be avoided.
  • Hypertension – It should be only of sedative character.


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