Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Food conducive for Hatha Yogic Practices

Ghodhuma-sali-yava-shashtika-sobhanannam /

Kshirajyakhanda-navanitasi hamadhuni//

Sunthipatolakaphaladikapanchasakam /

Mudghadidivyam udakam cha yamindrapathyam//(Chapter -1, Verse -62).

The most supporting foods for the Hatha Yogic practices are: good grains, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, brown sugar, sugar candy (crystallized sugar), honey, dry ginger, patola fruit (species of cucumber), five vegetables, mung, pulses, and pure water. (Chapter -1, Verse -62).

Pushtam sumadhuram snighdham Gavyam dhatupraposhanam /

Manobhilashitam yoghyam yogi bhojanamacharet//(Chapter -1, Verse-63).

The Hatha Yogi should take nourishing and sweet food mixed with, ghee and milk; it should nourish the dhatus (basic body constituents) and be pleasing and suitable for body-mind-soul. (Chapter -1,Verse-63).


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