Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

Concept of Yogasana

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Nasanam siddha-sadrsam na kumbhakah kevalopamah

Na khecari-sama mudra na nada-sadrso laya.(Ref. 2, H.Y.P. CH-I, V-43, P-116) There is no asana like siddha asana, no kumbhaka like kevala kumbhaka, no mudra like khecari mudra and no laya or dissolution of mind like näda, the inner sound.

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Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Athasane drdhe yogi vasihita mitasanah

Gurupadista-margena pranayamam samabhyaset.                                                                    (Ref.12, H.Y.P. CH-2, V-1, P-149)

Being established in asana and having control (of the body), taking a balanced diet; pranayama should be practised according to the instructions of the Guru.



Sthira-sukham Asanam         (Ref. 3, P.Y.S. 19 P-155)

Asana is practised firmly with ease.

This means that the student should try to get absolutely disciplined in the various Asanas, so that he can sit motionless and relaxed for various advanced disciplines and practise s in yoga


Ekam siddhasanam proktam dvitiyam kamalsanam

sat-cakram sodasadharam tri-laksyam vyoma-panakam

sva-dehe yo na janati tasya siddhih katham bhavet.                                                                                                                                     (Ref. 4, Y.C.U. 1, 3-4 P-210)

How can one who has not known the siddhasana, vrajrasana, six cakras, sixteen bases, three ideas and five types of akasa achieve perfection?

Here the padmasana is refer to by them kamalasana similarly in siddhasana is term as vajrasana and padmasana by the termed as kamalasana. Student of yoga should not be confused by the terminology. Out of these Asanas, one is the valued as the base. This one is truly the king among the eighty four lakhs Asanas & is siddhasana.

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Keeping the body that has three parts erect and withdrawing the organ into the heart with the help of mind, the enlightened person should earn over all the terrible currents by mean of the float that is Brahman. (5)


Gita  Says

Samam kaya-siro-grivam dharayannacalam sthirah

Sampreksya nasikagram svam disascanavalokayan.

(Ref. 6, B.G., CH-6, V-13, P-282)

Holding the trunk, head and neck steady, remaining firm and fixing the gaze on the tip of the nose without looking in other direction.

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Patanjali yoga sutra

Prayatna-saithilyananta-samapattibhyam     (Ref. 3, P.Y.S.V-20, P-156)

An Asana is performed through the process of exertion and relaxation until its completion.


Tato dvandvanabhighatah          (Ref. 3, P.Y.S. V-21, P-158)

By practicing Asana properly, one is free from impact of pair of opposites.


Yoga means –it is the union of individual soul (Jivatman) with the supreme soul (paramatman). Is asana an easy and comfortable seat or pose or posture. Thus the term of yoga asana means certain posture by assuming any one of which the individual soul is united to supreme soul quite easily by yogic practitioner.


Asana is a steady and pleasant posture to produce mental equilibrium and prevent fickleness of mind. It is not merely a physical or gymnastic exercise. True asana is that in which the thought of Brahman flows effortlessly and incessantly through the minds of sadhakas (8).


Yoga Asana have often been thought of as a form of exercises. But they are not exercises.  Asana is a technique, which places the physical body in positions that cultivate awareness, relaxation, concentration and meditation. It is complimentary to exercises.


  1. What are Asanas (postures or seats)? Are they necessary?

A: Many Asanas with their effects are mentioned in the yoga sastra. The seats are the tiger skin, grass, etc. The postures are the ‘Lotus posture’, the ‘easy posture’ and so on. Why all these only to know oneself? The truth is that the ego rises up form of the self, confuses itself with the body, mistakes the world to be real, and then, covered with the egoistic conceit, it thinks wildly and looks for asanas (seats). Such a person does not understand that he himself is the center of all and thus forms the basis for all.

 The asanas (seats) are meant to make him sit firm. Where and how can he remain firm except in his own real state? This is the real form of the asana.

Attaining the steadiness of not swerving from the knowledge that the base (asana) upon which the whole universe rests is only self, which is the space of true knowledge, the illustrious grand, alone is the firm and motionless posture (asana) for excellent Samadhi.

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