How to implement a marketing strategy in your yoga business.
How to implement a marketing strategy in your yoga business. To build a yoga class marketing is an important tool to get people to know about your class and gain students. First, creating a wet site, including at the information at out the courses offered, teacher qualifications etc. It should also have a section for […]
Tolasana(Scale or Lifted Lotus Pose)
This is the hand balancing asana named for measuring scales. Come into padmasana and breathe easily. Then place both hands on either side of the body. As you exhale, push through the hands with palms flat on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles until you lift the legs and buttocks off the floor. Balance here […]
How Does Yoga Help Your Career?
How Does Yoga Help Your Career? Ask anybody with a general yoga practice and they’ll let you know: Yoga improves you at life. Ways Yoga Can Make You Better at Your Job Karuna Yoga TTC program in Bangalore will make you proficient in various yogic Asanas to make you feel at your best in […]