Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Moving through space By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada

By samyama gain faculty of moving through space 3.43. Kayakasayoh sambandhasamyamallaghutulasamapatteschakasagamanam| Kaya-body Akasayoh-of space Sambandha-relation Samyamat-by samyama Laghu-light Tula-cotton, wool Samapatteh-by fusion of mind Cha-and Akasa-space Gamanam-going through By applying samyama on the relation of body and space and by joining the mind wit the lightness of cotton, there is going through space.  

gain awareness of ultimate reality By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada

By samyama gain awareness of ultimate reality 3.53. Ksana tatkramayo samyamdvivekajam jnanam| Ksana-moment Tatkramayoh-its order of succession Samyamat-by samyama Vivekjam-born of realization Jnanam-knowledge By applying samyama on moment and its order of succession is born the knowledge of realization of the ultimate reality.  

  Mastery of sense organs By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada

By samyama  mastery of sense organs 3.48. Grahanasvarupasmitanvayasamyamadindriyajayah| Grahana-power of cognition Svarupa-real nature Asmita-egoism Anvayarthavatva samyamat-by samyama Indriyajayah-mastery over the sense organs Mastery over the sense organs is obtained by applying samyama on the power of cognition, real nature, egoism, all-pervasiveness and purposefulness.  

Divine hearing By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada

By samyama  gain power of divine hearing 3.42. Srotrakasayoh sambandhasaàyamaddivyam srotram| Srotra-ear Akasayoh-space Sambandha-relation Samyamat-by samyama Divyam-divine Srotram-organ of hearing By applying samyama on the relation of the ear and space, gained divine hearing.

By samyama  eight psychic powers – Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada

By samyama  attainment of  eight psychic powers(asta siddhis) 3. 46 . Tto ‘ debt instruments of Dipr come Durbawa are Kaysampttddharmanabhigatshcha | Tattoo-therefrom Animadi-anima etc. Pradurbhavah-appearance Kayasampat-bodily well Tat-that Dharma-function Anabhighatah-non-obstructions Cha-and From that the appearance of anima, perfection of the body and non-obstruction from the functions of the body gained.  
