Power of omnipotence & omniscience By samyama -Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama power of omnipotence & omniscience 3.50. Sattvapurushanyatakhyatimatrasya sarvabhavadhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam cha| Sattva-chitta Purusha-self Anyata-difference Khyati-awareness Matrasya-only Sarva-all Bhava-states of existence Adhisthatrtvam-supermacy Sarvajnatrtvam-omniscience Cha-and Just by knowledge of the awareness of the difference between chitta and purusha follows supermacy over all states and forms of existence and omniscience.
Power of invisibility By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama power of invisibility 3.21. Kayarupasamyamat tatgrahyasaktistambhe chaksuhprakasasamprayoge’ntardhanam| Kaya-body Rupa-form Samyamat-by doing samyama Tat-that Grahya-receptive Sakti-power Stambhe-on suspension ChakSuh-the eye Prakasa-light Samprayoga-absence of contact Antardhanam-being invisible By applying samyama on the form of the body and suspended receptivity of the form, there being no contact between the eye and the light, the yogi can […]
Power of friendliness By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama power of friendliness 3.24. Maitryadisu balani| Maitri-frienliness Adisu-etc Balani-powers By applying samyama on friendliness, etc. there come those particular powers friendliness.
Power of disappearance By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama power of disappearance 3.22. Etena sabdadyantardhanamuktam| Etena-by this Sabdadi-sound and others Antardhanam-disaapearance Uktam-said By what has been said the vanish of sound and other tanmatras can be understood.
Mastery twenty five tattvas or bhutas By samyama-PYS

By samyama mastery over twenty five tattvas or bhutas 3.45.Sthulasvarupasuksmanvayarthavattvasamyamadbhutajayah| Sthula-gross Svarupa-real form Suksma-subtle Anvaya-interpenetrating Arthavattva-serving the purpose Samyamad-by samyama Bhutajayah-mastery over elements By performing samayama on the gross, basic, subtle and interpenetrating states and the purpose of the bhutas, mastery over them is gained.
Mastery over hunger & thirst By samyama -Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama mastery over hunger & thirst 3.31. Kanthakupe ksutpipasa nivrttih| Kanthakupe-by performing samyama on the throat Ksut-hunger Pipasa-thirst Nivrttih-retirement By applying samyama on the throat pit, hunger and thirst would not happen.
Knowledge of universal consciousness By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama knowledge of universal consciousness 3.36. Sattva purusayoratyantasanké rnayoh pratyayaviseso bhogah pararthatvat svarthasamyamat purusa jnanam| Sattva-chitta Purusayoh-of the purusha Atyanta-extremely Asankirnayoh-distinct Pratyaya-awareness Avisesah-not distinct Bhogah-experience Pararthatvat-from objective consciousness Sva-ones own Artha-subjective awareness Samyamat-by samyama Purusajnanam-knowledge of purusha Chitta and purusha are extremly different. On account of non-difference of the awareness of both there is […]
Knowledge of time of death By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama knowledge of time of death 3.23. Sopakramam nirupakramam cha karma tatsamyamadaparantajnanamapyaristebhyo va| Sopakramam-the karma which activity Nirupakramam-the karma that is dormant Cha-and Karma-action Tat-that Samyamad-by performing samyama Aparanta-death Jnanam-knowledge Aristebhyah-by omens Va-or Karma is of two types, active and dormant. By applying samyama on them knowledge of death is gained, also by omens. […]
Knowledge of the stars By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama knowledge of the stars 3.28. Candre taravyuhajnanam| Candre-moon Tara-stars Vyuha-arrangements Jnanam-knowledge By applying samyama on the moon, knowledge about the position of the stars is benifited.
Knowledge of the solar system By samyama-Patanjali Yoga Sutra

By samyama knowledge of the solar system 3.27. Bhuvanajnanam suryasamyamat| Bhuvana-solar system Jnanam-knowledge Surye-on the sun Samyamat-by performinf samyama Knowledge of the solar system is gained by applying samyama on the sun.