Qualification to practice Ashtanga Suryanamaskara, Write its contraindications and its modification method.
Qualification to practice Ashtanga Suryanamaskara, Write its contraindications and its modification method. Ashtanga Namaskara should be avoided by people who have an injury or are recovering from surgery. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure, cardiac/heart-related issues, back and knee pain. The practice should not be continued during pregnancy. It should […]
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Traditionally, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is taught in the “Mysore style”. In this course, each student in the class can perform a series of asana training on their own, while the teacher provides personalized guidance. By regularly practicing the Basic Series, an intense series of poses also known as chikitsa yoga, which means “yoga therapy”, opens […]