vinyasa asana variation

Set -1 Standing Asana List Vinyasa Kneeling vinyasa list Sitting asana list vinyasa Prone asana list vinyasa Supine asana list vinyasa Arm balancing vinyasa Set 2 vinyasa asana Standing Asana List Vinyasa Kneeling vinyasa list Sitting asana list vinyasa Prone asana list vinyasa Supine asana list vinyasa Arm balancing vinyasa Set 3 vinayasa asana Standing […]
Concept of asana according to swami Swatmarama and Patanjali.

Concept of asana according to swami Swatmarama and Patanjali. Swatmarama talks about Asana as the fundamental or primary education of Yoga. Asana is believed to help with the attainment of steadiness and calmness of the mind and the body, ridding the body of mental and physical diseases and experiencing the lightness in the limbs. Asanas […]
Purvottanasana(Upward Plank Pose or Intense East Stretch Pose)

Purvottanasana(Upward Plank Pose or Intense East Stretch Pose) This is the intense eastward stretch. Start by lying flat on your back on the floor, your legs stretched out in front of you. Your arms are by your side, palms on the floor by the hips, your fingers pointing in the direction of the feet. Exhale […]
Chaturanga Dandasana(Four Limbed Staff Pose)

Chaturanga Dandasana(Four Limbed Staff Pose) This is the four limbed plank pose. Start in a prone position, on your stomach. Your palms are on the floor by your chest. Your feet are about a foot apart. Then exhale and slowly raise your body until it is balanced on your palms. Stay here, breathing easily for […]
Phalakasana(plank pose)

Phalakasana(plank pose) This is the plank pose. Start in the cat position, with your hands and knees on the floor and your knees hip distance apart. Then straighten out your legs so that you are rising up off the ground with your toes. At the same time, support your upper body on your palms. Your […]
Dhanurasana(bow pose)

Dhanurasana(bow pose) This is the bow pose. Start by lying in a prone position on your stomach. As you exhale bend your knees and bring them up. At the same time extend your arms backwards and grasp your ankles with your hands. Breathe easily here, then exhale and life the knees off the ground as […]
Bhujangasana(cobra pose)

Bhujangasana(cobra pose) This is the low cobra pose. Lie flat on your stomach. Your legs are stretched behind you. Place your palms by your chest and inhale as you raise your head and upper body up until the navel by arching your spine backwards. Roll your shoulders back and down. Breathe easily as you hold […]
Sarpasana(snake pose)

Sarpasana(snake pose) This is the snake pose. It is a precursor to the low cobra pose. Lie flat on your stomach. Your legs are stretched behind you and your forehead is on the mat. Your palms are on the floor by the chest. Now inhale and lift the torso off the floor, lifting the head […]
Shalabhasana(locust pose)

Shalabhasana(locust pose) This is the locust pose. Lie flat on your stomach. Place your palms under your inner thighs. Engage your lower body and then inhale and raise both your legs off the floor with the support of your palms. Stay here breathing easily for thirty seconds. Then lower back down while you exhale and […]
Ardha Shalabhasana(Half Locust Pose)

Ardha Shalabhasana(Half Locust Pose) This is the half locust pose. Lie flat on your stomach. Place your palms under your inner thighs. Engage your lower body and then inhale and raise your right leg off the floor with the support of your palms. Stay here breathing easily for thirty seconds. Then lower back down while […]