Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Ashtanga Surya Namaskar – A with alignment cues

a.The steps of Ashtanga A Surya Namaskar are as follows:

Begin in Samasthiti: Stand upright with feet together, arms by the side and toes spread out, evenly distributing the weight across the feet.

Step 1: Inhale, stretch the arms up sideways. Keeping them shoulder width apart, look up.

Step 2: Uttanasana: Exhale, bend forward from the hip and place the fingertips or palms on either side of the feet. Keeping the spine extended and the knees straight, try to bring the forehead to the shin and place the fingertips or palms on either side of the feet.

Step 3: Ardha Uttanasana: Inhale, lift the head up, place the palms on the shin and straighten the spine for a flat back and gaze forward.

Step 4: Chaturanga Dandasana: Exhale, bend the knees to the chest, heels off the floor and jump back or step back to Chaturanga Dandasana. The feet are hip width apart.


Step 5: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: Inhale, slide the chest forward and raise the chest and head up. Keep the toes pressed on the floor, chest open, shoulders rolled down and elbows close to the body.


Step 6: Adho Mukha Svanasana: Exhale, tuck the toes in and lift the hips up. Adjust the feet, keeping the heels on the floor and elbows straight, extend the spine. Gaze at the navel. Stay here for 5 breaths.


Step 7: Ardha Uttanasana: Inhale, bend the knees, lift the hips up and jump back or step the feet back together in between the palms. Lift the head up, place the palms on the shin and straighten the spine for a flat back and gaze forward.


Step 8: Uttanasana: Exhale, bend forward from the hip. Keeping the spine extended and the knees straight, try to bring the forehead to the shin and place the fingertips or palms on either side of the feet.


Step 9: Inhale, lift the neck up and stretch the arms up sideways. Keeping them shoulder width apart, look up.


Step 10: Samasthiti: Exhale, bring the arms by the side and stand upright, evenly distributing the weight across the feet.

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