Matsyasana – Fish Posture
- Lie supine on the floor with the hands extended along the body and the feet together.
- Raise the legs upto 90 degree, by keeping the knees straight.
- Press the palms against floor, raise the trunk by bending the legs towards the head and touch the toes on the ground.
- Interlock fingers rest back of head straight.
- Both legs straight and firm.
- Stay for 10 to 20 seconds, keep breathing evenly and deeply.
- By palms support lower the trunk and slowly come back to supine posture.
- Deeply stimulates abdominal organs.
- Gives good exercise to the thyroid glands.
- Gives a good stretch to the spinal column, thus it builds a strong and supple supine.
(matsya – fish)
- Come to supine posture, by bringing legs together, arms beside thi
- Now adopt padmasana with support of both hands.
- Place palms above shoulder press against floor, lift head neck, chest, spine and make arch on your back.
- Grasp big toe with thumb, index, middle finger, press elbows down, close to body, and give minimum pressure to head region.
- Stay in this posture for 10 to 30 seconds, breathe normally.
- Release toes and palms supporting above head, and release head, neck, trunk on ground, unfold both legs release padmasana.
- Come back to Savasana and relax.
- Lie on your back on the floor, in savasana(corpse pose)
- A traditional text Gheranda Samhita (2:21)says that Matsyasana is the destroyer of all diseases
- Strengthen your entire back, neck region.
- Helps in balancing the function of the thyroid gland.
- Effective for diabetes, asthmatics and back problems.