Five Self-Discipline
2.30. AhimsaSatyaAsteyaBrahmacharyaaparigraha Yamah|
- Ahimsa- Non-violence
- Satya- truthfullness
- Asteya- honesty
- Brahmacarya-sensual abstinence
- Aparigraha-non-acquistiveness
- Yamah-self-restraints
Non-violence, truth, honesty, sensual abstinence, and non-possesiveness are the five self-disciplines.
Following Self-Discipline is the great Path
2.31. Jatidesakalasamayanavacchinnah sarvabhauma mahavratam|
- Jati-class of birth
- Desa-country, or place
- Kala-time
- Samaya-circumstances
- Anavacchinnah-unconditioned
- Sarvabhauma-universal
- Mahavratam-the great discipline
It can be practiced universally without exception due to birth, place, time and circumstances then yamas become great disciplines.