Yin yoga sequence that targets the lung meridian
- Square Pose: Sit with your right leg bent in front of you and your left leg bent behind you, crossing your left knee over your right ankle. Hold for 2-3 minutes, feeling a stretch in your hips and thighs. Repeat on the other side.
- Sphinx Pose: Lie on your belly with your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms on the ground. Lift your chest off the ground and hold for 2-3 minutes, feeling a stretch in your chest and shoulders.
- Melting Heart Pose: From Sphinx pose, lower your chest towards the ground, keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Hold for 2-3 minutes, feeling a stretch in your upper back and shoulders.
- Supported Fish Pose: Place a bolster or rolled up blanket under your shoulder blades, with your head and tailbone on the ground. Extend your arms out to the sides, and hold for 3-5 minutes, feeling a stretch in your chest and shoulders.
- Reclining Twist: Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing them towards your chest. Extend your arms out to the sides, and slowly lower both knees to one side, keeping both shoulders on the ground. Hold for 2-3 minutes, feeling a stretch in your chest and upper back. Repeat on the other side.
- These Yin yoga poses can help to stimulate the lung meridian, which can promote healthy breathing, immune function, and emotional balance. Remember to breathe deeply and hold each pose for a few minutes, allowing your body to relax and release tension.