Balanced diet
Balanced diet is a diet which contains all the nutrients in the right amounts as required by an individual’s body needs.
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The general rules for making the diet balanced are
- Each meal should contain some food rich in proteins like pulses, egg, meat, cheese etc.
- Each meal should contain plenty of fruits and vegetables which are good sources of some vitamins and minerals.
- Food rich in energy should be eaten in amounts which will satisfy appetite and maintain correct body weight.#Best yoga blogs in India
These supply 70-80% of the total energy requirement of our body. They contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Each of carbohydrate provides 4 kcals. They are a quick source of energy after digestion of starch and sugar. It is absorbed through the walls of the intestine and finally carried to the liver where it may be utilized or stored as glycogen. Any excess is converted to fat and stored. Hence carbohydrates and fats are referred to as ‘protein spares”
It contains carbon hydrogen and oxygen are made up of fatty acids. They serve as insulators, padding around organs, acts as protein spares, carries of Vit, A, D, E & K., increase palatability and satiety value of foods. Each g of fat provides 9 kcals. Sources may be animal (ghee, butter, fish oils) or vegetable (Groundnut, gingerly, mustard, safflower etc)
It forms the structure of muscles, cartilage, bones, skin and also is found in tissues and body fluids Each of protein provides 4 kcals.
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Animal – eggs, Milk, meat, fish
Plant – Cereals, pulses, nuts, beans, oilseeds.
Protein Requirement
On an average protein requirement is i g / kg of body weight of a person. This requirement may increase after tissue loss or destruction to rebuild new tissue. An increase in protein requirement is seen in
- Growing phase of infants and childhood
- Destruction of tissues due to burns
- Wasting diseases
- During wound healing
- Pregnancy and lactation.
Minerals: are trace elements which are required in small amounts but are essential for life minerals are inorganic substances like Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, I2, Fe, cobalt, cu etc
- Na, k help in regulation of body fluids and acid base balance.
- Ca helps in maintenance of neural. Muscular excitability blood coagulation and bone formation.
- P helps in tissue metabolism and bone formation
- I2, is required for synthesis of thyroid hormones
- Fe is incorporated in Hb molecule.
- Cobalt helps in formation of vit B12.
Vitamins are essential for regulating the body process. They are broadly classified into two groups :
- Fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K.
- Water soluble vitamins such as Vit, B1, B2, B6, Niacin, panthothenic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, vitc etc.