Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada: Potentiality of object
4.14. Parinamaikatvadvastutattvam|
- Parinama-transformation
- Ekatvat-due to oneness
- Vastu-object
- Tattvam-the essence
The potential of the object is due to the uniqueness of transformation of the gunas.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
What is perception ?
4.15. Vastusamye chittabhedattayovibhaktah panthah|
- Vastusamye-by sameness of the object
- Chittabhedat-by the difference of the mind
- Tayoh-of these two
- vibhaktah –separate
- panthah-path of manifestation
Because of the sameness of object and difference of mind their ways are different.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Mind & object
4.16. Na chaika chittatantram vastu tadapramanakam tada kim syat|
- Na-not
- Cha-and
- Eka-one
- Chitta-mind
- Tantram-dependent
- Vastu-object
- Tat-that
- Apramanakam-non-cognized
- Tada-then
- Kim-what
- Syat-would happen
The object of perception is not dependent on the chitta, what would happen to the object of perception when the medium of cognition is not there?.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Reflection of object
4.17. Taduparagapeksitvachchittasya vastu jnatajnatam|
- Taduparaga-the reflection of the object in chitta
- Apeksitvat-because of necessity
- Chittasya-of the mind
- Vastu-object
- Jnata-known
- Ajnatam-unknown
The mind needs the reflection of the objects for its cognition.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Purusha knows the mind
4.18. Sada jnatascittavrttayastatprabhoh purusasyaparinnamitvat|
- Sada-always
- Jnatah-are known
- Chittavrttayah-modifications of mind
- Tatprabhoh-on its master
- Purusasya-of the purusha
- Aparinamitvat-due to changelessness
Purusha, the master of chitta, is chnageless, therefre, he always knows the modifications of the mind.
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Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Mind is not self-illumintive
4.19. Na tatsvabhasam drsyatvat|
- Na-not
- Tat-that
- svabhasam –self-illumined
- drsyatvat-of perceptibility
That chitta is not self-illumined because it is the subject of knowledge and perception.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Limitation of mind
4.20. Ekasamaye chobhayanavadharanam|
- Ekasamaye-simultaneously
- Cha-and
- Ubhaya-both
- Anavadharanam-non-comprehension
And there cannot be the comprehension of both simultaneously.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Confusion of memories
4.21. Chittantaradrsye buddhibuddheratiprasangah smrtisankarascha|
- Chittantaradrsye-in one mind being cognized by the other
- Buddhibuddheh-cognition of cognitions
- Atiprasangah-absurd superfluity
- Smrti-memory
- Sankarah-confusion
- Cha-and
If cognition by one mind of th eother be accepted, then there will be cognition of cognitions leading to absurdity and confusion of memory.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Kaivalya Pada
Attainment of pure consciousness or kaivalya
4.34. Purusarthasunyanam gunanam pratiprasavah kaivalyam svarupapratistha va chitisakteriti|
- Purusartha-purpose of the purusha
- Sunyanam-devoid of
- Gunanam-of the gunas
- Pratiprasavah-involution
- Kaivalyam-liberation
- Svarupa-ones own nature
- Pratistha-establishment
- Va-or
- Chitisakteh-purusah
- Iti-that’s all(denotes the end of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra)
Kaivalya is the involution of the gunas because of the fulfillment of their objectives or it is the restoration of the purusha to its inherent form which is called pure consciousness.