Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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5 Kleshas: Causes of Suffering & How to Remove Them 🕉️
In Yoga Philosophy (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, II.3), the Kleshas are the five root causes of suffering and mental afflictions. These are deep-seated patterns of ignorance, ego, attachment, aversion, and fear, which prevent us from realizing our true nature (Atman).
To achieve inner peace and self-realization, we must identify and transcend these Kleshas through yogic practices, awareness, and wisdom.
🔹 The 5 Kleshas (Causes of Suffering)
How It Affects Us
Mistaken identity with the body & mind
Over-identification with “I” & “mine”
Craving pleasure & material things
Fear, hatred, and resistance to discomfort
Fear of Death
Clinging to life and fear of the unknown
Each Klesha is interconnected and forms the foundation of suffering (Dukha). Let’s explore them deeply and learn how to remove them.
1️⃣ Avidya (Ignorance – The Root of All Suffering)
📌 Meaning: Avidya is spiritual ignorance—the misunderstanding that we are the body, mind, and emotions rather than the eternal, pure consciousness (Atman).
📌 How It Affects Us?
  • We believe temporary things(money, relationships, fame) will bring permanent happiness.
  • We suffer because we identify with pain, pleasure, success, and failureinstead of seeing life’s impermanence.
🧘‍♀️ How to Remove Avidya?
✔️ Jnana Yoga (Self-inquiry & Study of Scriptures) – Read Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads.
✔️ Practice mindfulness & self-awareness – Question your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.
✔️ Meditate on “Who am I?” – Realize you are not the body or mind, but pure consciousness.
🌿 Realization: When Avidya dissolves, true wisdom (Jnana) arises, and suffering disappears.
2️⃣ Asmita (Ego – The Illusion of “I”)
📌 Meaning: Asmita is the ego (false sense of self) that separates us from others and the universe.
📌 How It Affects Us?
  • We attach labelsto ourselves: “I am rich/poor, successful/failure, smart/dumb.”
  • The ego craves validation, superiority, and control, leading to pride, comparison, and suffering.
🧘‍♀️ How to Remove Asmita?
✔️ Practice humility & selfless service (Karma Yoga).
✔️ Let go of attachment to identity – You are NOT your career, wealth, or status.
✔️ Surrender ego to the divine (Bhakti Yoga) – Realize all is interconnected.
🌿 Realization: When Asmita fades, we experience oneness, peace, and unity with all beings.
3️⃣ Raga (Attachment – The Craving for Pleasure)
📌 Meaning: Raga is clinging to desires, people, and material things as sources of happiness.
📌 How It Affects Us?
  • We chase pleasure (sensory, emotional, material)and suffer when it’s lost.
  • We fear changebecause we are attached to comfort, relationships, and success.
🧘‍♀️ How to Remove Raga?
✔️ Practice detachment (Vairagya) – Enjoy life without clinging.
✔️ Gratitude & contentment (Santosha, Niyama) – Appreciate what is instead of craving what isn’t.
✔️ Self-discipline (Tapas) – Train the mind to find peace in stillness, not in external pleasures.
🌿 Realization: When Raga disappears, we become free from desires and emotional turmoil.
4️⃣ Dvesha (Aversion – The Fear of Pain)
📌 Meaning: Dvesha is hatred, fear, or resistance to people, situations, or experiences we dislike.
📌 How It Affects Us?
  • We resist uncomfortable truths, challenges, and growth.
  • We become angry, fearful, or bitterwhen things don’t go our way.
🧘‍♀️ How to Remove Dvesha?
✔️ Practice acceptance & equanimity (Ishwarapranidhana) – Trust that life unfolds as it should.
✔️ Face your fears with courage – What we resist, persists.
✔️ Forgive & release negativity – Holding onto hate only harms us.
🌿 Realization: When Dvesha disappears, we experience inner peace and resilience.
5️⃣ Abhinivesha (Fear of Death – The Clinging to Life)
📌 Meaning: Abhinivesha is the deep-seated fear of death, loss, and the unknown.
📌 How It Affects Us?
  • Fear of aging, sickness, and uncertaintycauses anxiety.
  • We avoid taking risks or embracing change.
🧘‍♀️ How to Remove Abhinivesha?
✔️ Practice surrender & trust (Bhakti Yoga) – Accept that death is a transition, not an end.
✔️ Live fully in the present moment (Mindfulness & Meditation).
✔️ Overcome fear with wisdom (Swadhyaya, Study of Scriptures).
🌿 Realization: When Abhinivesha dissolves, we live fearlessly and embrace the flow of life.
🔹 How to Overcome the Kleshas? (Practical Guide)
Removes Which Klesha?
Jnana Yoga (Self-inquiry & Wisdom)
Karma Yoga (Selfless service)
Vairagya (Detachment & Letting go)
Forgiveness & Acceptance
Meditation & Surrender to the Divine
By practicing Yoga, Meditation, Self-awareness, and Wisdom, we can purify our minds, break free from suffering, and realize our true, infinite nature (Atman).

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