Ardha Chandra Asana – Half Moon Posture
(ardha- half, Chandra – moon)
- Come to Tadasana, with both feet touching from the heel to the big toe, keeping the back straight and the arms pressed slightly against the sides with palms facing inward.
- Bring the hands together at the heart region with palms lightly pressed against each other called namaskara mudra.
- Inhale and raise the arms straight up keeping the palms touching each other together.
- Arch your body backwards keeping your arms alongside your neck, beside, ear and head, fall the head backward and stay here.
- Keep your knees till waist region, straight while holding posture.
- Stay for 10 to 20 seconds, at final posture breathing at nose normally.
- Exhale, return back to Tadasana and relax.
- Makes the lower back flexible.
- Stimulates and strengthen the entire back, arms, neck muscles, chest and shoulders.
- Improves, respiration.
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