Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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100 Hrs – Asana Teacher Training Certificate Course, Bangalore, India.

Yoga has become synonymous with term Asana; however the entire practice of Yoga is based on practices of consciousness. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandhas are the three most important techniques that lead to the state of higher level of meditation. When these four techniques are done with awareness, knowledge and preparation, Yoga becomes possible. In this journey to self-discovery, pranayama leads to the purification of senses, prana and mind. With a consolidated state of mind one attains Mudra and maintains bandhas in order to maintain one pointed awareness. Learn these four important practices in Yoga and let your practice be to attain the state of Yoga itself.


Asanas Category: Standing, Core Strengthening, Arm Balances, Back Bends, Seated and supine Twists, Forward bend and hip opener, inverted, relaxation, meditative poses. Beginner’s level yoga poses with Demonstration, Technique, Variations, counter pose, warm up, Teaching, Application, Alignment, Adjustments, principles, verbal cues, and Modification.


  • Contact Hours:50 hours of live sessions over Zoom or Google Meet 
  • Non-Contact Hours: 50 hours of recorded audio, study books, self-practice, and self-study
  • Flexible duration: students can complete their course within their flexible time
  • Minimum duration to finish the course: 30 days
  • Online sessions’ time-zone: Bangalore, India (GMT+5:30)
  • Daily one live yoga session theory or practical classes, Monday to Sunday, you can fix your convenient time with the teacher after a discussion
  • Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance
  • One live Q&A session every week
  • Topics include Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, yoga anatomy, yoga philosophy, meditation, pranayama yoga Nidra, and much more


    • This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of
    • Participants do not need to be yoga
    • Mastery of any yoga practice is not
    • Only yours sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal
    • Love for Yoga is the most important eligibility factor for learning this course.
    • Students who want to know Yoga in totality and move beyond Asana and Pranayama, Mudra & Bandha.

What you’ll learn

    • You will learn beginners level asana, forward, backward, arm balance , hip opening and inverted poses.
    • You will know the how to Integrate asana, pranayama mudra sutra into your yoga practice.
    • You will learn the methods given by Swatmarama    to mastery your mind through hatha yoga.

What do I need for the online course?

    • Yoga mat
    • Computer / Smartphone with camera
    • Internet connection
    • Yoga Blocks
    • Pillow or Bolster or Cushion
    • Strap
    • Notebook and Pen
    • Zoom

Recommended Texts

    • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Niranjananda Saraswati
    • B.K.S. Iyengar, Light On Yoga.

What’s the language of the course?

Our courses will be held in English Medium.

Duration: 100 hrs

Self-Paced/ Flexible Duration: Online or Regular Mode.


    •  USD 500 (non-refundable) advance towards the course fee.

Course Dates: Please Contact Us (karunaayoga@gmail.com  or +91 9686549129)


 Standing Asana

  1. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose Variation
  2. Standing Forward Bend
  3. Bending Tree Pose
  4. Sugarcane Pose
  5. Half Bound Lotus Tiptoe pose
  6. Half standing forward bend
  7. Goddess pose
  8. Mountain Pose
  9. Goddess pose (twisting variation)
  10. Half Lotus Toe Balance
  11. Revolved Lunge Pose
  12. High Lunge
  13. Revolved half-moon pose
  14. Standing Leg Raise Pose
  15. Side bending pose
  16. Low Lunge Pose
  17. Reverse Warrior Pose
  18. Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
  19. Standing Split
  20. Revolved Chair Pose
  21. Raised Arms Pose
  22. Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Fold
  23. Extended Side Angle Pose
  24. Dancer Pose
  25. Revolved Triangle Pose
  26. Eagle Pose
  27. Triangle Pose
  28. Half-Moon Pose
  29. Crescent Pose
  30. Warrior III
  31. Warrior II
  32. Warrior I
  33. Upward Salute Pose
  34. Tree Pose
  35. Chair Pose


  1. Compass Pose
  2. Revolved Head To Knee Pose
  3. Heron Pose
  4. Half Squat Pose
  5. Monkey pose
  6. Side Lunge Pose
  7. Straight Angle Pose
  8. Womb Embryo Pose
  9. Noose Pose
  10. Garland Pose
  11. Revolved seated side angle
  12. One legged Pigeon pose
  13. Spinal Column Pose
  14. Bharadvaja’s twist
  15. Upward Facing Plank Pose
  16. Hero Pose
  17. Gate Pose
  18. Half Lord of the Fishes pose
  19. Churning the Mill Pose
  20. Head to Knee Forward Bend Pose
  21. Prayer Squat Pose
  22. Full Boat Pose
  23. Seated Forward Bend Pose
  24. Easy Sitting Pose
  25. Cow Face Pose
  26. Staff Pose
  27. Bound Angle Pose Baddha Konasana

Reclining Pose

  1. Legs Up The Wall Pose
  2. Reclining Staff Pose
  3. Reverse Corpse Pose
  4. Eye of the Needle
  5. Reclining Spinal Twist
  6. Side-Reclining Leg Lift
  7. Happy Baby Pose
  8. Reclining Hero Pose
  9. Knee to Chest Pose
  10. Reclining Bound Angle Pose
  11. Reclining Big Toe
  12. Legs Up The Wall
  13. Corpse Pose


  1. Revolved Downward Dog Pose
  2. Unsupported Shoulderstand
  3. Tripod Headstand
  4. One legged downward facing dog
  5. Knee ear pose
  6. Chin Stand
  7. Shoulderstand
  8. Revolved Downward Facing Dog
  9. Plough pose
  10. Handstand
  11. Headstand
  12. Downward Facing Dog
  13. Four Limbed Staff Pose

Forward Bends

  1. Half Moon Pose Variation
  2. Firefly Pose Variation C
  3. Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward Extension
  4. Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I
  5. Standing Forward Bend
  6. Standing Forward Bend II
  7. Extended Puppy Pose
  8. Wide-Legged Forward Bend
  9. Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
  10. Child Pose


Back Bends

  1. Half Camel Raised Toe Pose
  2. Pigeon Pose
  3. Frog pose
  4. Fish pose
  5. Full Bow Pose
  6. One-legged Eight-Limbed Pose
  7. Little Bridge Pose
  8. One legged Wheel pose
  9. Balancing table pose
  10. Wild thing
  11. Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose
  12. Twisting Cobra pose
  13. Eight Limbed Salutation Pose
  14. Runner’s Lunge Pose
  15. Sphinx Pose II
  16. Sphinx Pose
  17. Upward Facing Dog Pose
  18. Locust Pose
  19. Cobra Pose
  20. Cat Pose
  21. Camel Pose
  22. Bridge Pose
  23. Bow Pose

Arm Balances

  1. Lotus Peacock Pose
  2. Scorpion pose
  3. Balancing Table Pose
  4. Dolphin Plank Pose
  5. Reverse Plank Pose Variation
  6. Side Plank Pose Variation
  7. Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya
  8. Flying Pigeon Pose
  9. Shoulder-pressing pose
  10. Side Crow
  11. One legged Chaturanga
  12. Swan pose
  13. Visvamitra’s Pose
  14. One-Legged Crow Pose
  15. Eight Angle Pose
  16. Firefly Pose
  17. Side Plank Pose
  18. Crow Pose
  19. Plank Pose
  20. Four Limbed Staff Pose

Terms & Conditions:

After the payment of the course fee, you will receive a link to access the classes through zoom. This short term course is only meant for sincere students of Yoga practitioner. Without submitting the required assignments, you will not receive a certification. Please note that the course fee is non refundable. However, if you can’t start the course due to severe circumstances, please get in touch with us and we’ll find a solution for you.
