Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Maha Bandha (Great Lock)

Parshnim vamasya padasya yonisthane niyojayet/

Vamorupari samsthapya dakshinam charanam tatha//

Press the heel of the left foot in the perineum or vagina and place the right foot on the left thigh. (Chapter -3, Verse 19).

Purayitva tato vayum hrdaye chubukam drdham/

Nishpidya yonimakunchya manomadhye niyojayet//

Thus breathing in, bring the chin to the chest strenum bone, Jalandhara Bandha, constrict the perineal or cervical region as moola bandha and focus on the eyebrow center known as shambhavi mudra). (Chapter -3, Verse 20).


Dharayitva yathasakti rechayedanilam sanaih /

Savyangghe tu samabhyasya dakshangghe punarabhyaset//

Having holding the breath as long as feeling comfortable, then breathe out slowly. Once completing the practice on the left side, practice again on the right side too.(Chapter -3, Verse 21).


Matamatra tu keshamchitkanthabandham vivarjayet/

Rajadantasthajihvaya bandhah sasto bhavediti//

Some of them think that the throat lock Jalandhara Bandha is unnecessary and it is sufficient to keep the tongue against the front teeth. (Chapter -3, Verse 22).



Trivenisangghamam dhatte kedaram prapayenmanah//

Maha bandha release one from the bonds of death, makes the three nadis join together in Ajna chakra and enables the mind to attain the sacred state of Shiva, Kedara. (Chapter -3, Verse 24).



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