Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Maha Vedha Mudra (Great Piercing Attitude)

Atha mahavedhah

Mahabandhasthito yogi krtva purakam ekadhih/

Vayunam ghatimavrtya nibhrtam kanthamudraya//

The Hatha Yogi, in the position of Maha Bandha, should breath in, make the mind steady and hold the movement of prana by doing the throat lock. (Chapter -3, Verse 26).


Samahastayugho bhumau sphichau sanadayechchanaih/

Putadvayam atikramya vayuh sphurati madhyaghah//

Placing the palms of the hands on the ground, he should slowly beat the bumps gently on the ground. The prana then leaves the two nadis ida and pingala and enters into the middle channel sushumna nadi. (Chapter -3, Verse 27).

Mahavedhoa yam abhyasan mahasiddhipradayakah/

Valipalitavepaghnah sevyate sadhakottamaih//

This is maha vedha, and by practicing its benefited great perfections. Wrinkles, grey hair and the trembling of old age are avoidable, thus the best of practitioners devote themselves to it. (Chapter -3, Verse 29).

Khecharya mudritam yena vivaram lambikordhvatah/

Na tasya ksharate binduh kaminyasleshitasya cha//

Even when there is movement of the bindu and it enters the genitals, it is catched by closing the perineum and is taken upward direction. (Chapter -3, Verse 43).


Sushiram jnanajanakam panchasrotah samanvitam/

Tishthate khechari mudra tasminsunye niranjane//

Five nadis unite in this cavity and it is the root source of knowledge. Khechari should be established in that void, untainted by ignorance. (Chapter -3, Verse 53).


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