Ardha Navasana – Half Boat Posture
(ardha – half, nava – boat)
- Come to sitting posture called Dandasana (staff pose), interlock your fingers and place it back of head.
- Exhale, recline the spine back and simultaneously raise your both legs at 35 degree angle. So, crown of head and toes at same level.
- Keep balancing at your buttocks muscles.
- Stay for 10 to 30 seconds, by breathing at your abdominal muscles, deeply.
- Do not have hunch back and keep both knees straight, by gazing at your big toes.
- Inhale, return back to Dandasana, and repeat one more time.
- Strengthen abdominal muscles and lower back muscles.
- Make abdominal fat to reduce rapidly,
- Increases intensity of awareness and concentration.
- Bring balance at our body and mind level.
- Remove oscillation mental state.
- Peoples, who have weak back, will be panacea for them.
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