Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend
(ardha – half, baddha – bound, padma – lotus)
- Come to sitting pose called Dandasana (staff posture) by keeping palms beside hips, inhale and raise both arms side way turn palms facing forward, now lengthen your spine.
- Exhale, bend forward catch hold right ankles with help of right arm, bend right leg knee place the heels on left thigh, left foot close and touching below the navel.
- Bring the right arm around back and catch hold the big toe, inhale come up heighten your back , exhale bend forward and catch hold left leg toe, by abdomen close to front of thighs , chin touching shin bone , bend elbows rest on ground.
- Remain in this posture for 10 to 30 seconds, by breathing at your nostrils very slowly.
- Inhale, lift head, left arm up. Release right arm and unfold right leg knee, relax for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat same at opposite side.
- It gives flexible, suppleness and opens the joints called wrist elbow, shoulder, knees and ankle joints.
- It activates pancreas and makes insulin to function efficiently, it strengthen pelvic region , hip joints and inner deep quadriceps thigh muscles, release fatigue and tiredness of leg muscles.
- Melts and remove kidney or gall bladder stone.
- Improves digestive mechanisms.
- Stimulates and massages intestines, good observing of nutrients so body fuel with enough energy and eliminates the tools good for constipation.
- Burn abdomen fat and makes it flat.
- Align the body evenly at both side, balance the both right and left side of body energy level.
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