Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

Yoga Words and Sanskrit Terms to Know for Class

  1. Asana – a yoga posture
  2. Pranayama – breathing exercises
  3. Namaste – a greeting meaning “I bow to you”
  4. Om – a sacred sound symbolizing the universe and consciousness
  5. Chakra – energy centers in the body
  6. Vinyasa – a flowing sequence of yoga postures
  7. Hatha – a style of yoga that emphasizes physical postures
  8. Mantra – a repeated word or phrase used to aid concentration in meditation
  9. Savasana – a resting pose at the end of a yoga practice
  10. Ujjayi – a breathing technique used in yoga
  11. Bandha – a lock or seal used to control the flow of energy in the body
  12. Mudra – a hand gesture used to aid meditation
  13. Dhyana – meditation
  14. Guru – a teacher or guide
  15. Prana – life force energy
  16. Sutra – a concise statement or aphorism
  17. Shanti – peace
  18. Tapas – discipline or austerity
  19. Drishti – a gaze or point of focus
  20. Niyama – one of the eight limbs of yoga, meaning ethical guidelines or observances
  21. Yama – one of the eight limbs of yoga, meaning moral principles or restraints
  22. Kosha – sheaths or layers of the body
  23. Samadhi – a state of meditative consciousness
  24. Sankalpa – an intention or resolve
  25. Svadhyaya – self-study or self-reflection
  26. Ahimsa – non-violence or non-harming
  27. Satya – truthfulness
  28. Asteya – non-stealing or non-covetousness
  29. Brahmacharya – celibacy or control of sexual energy
  30. Aparigraha – non-possessiveness or non-greediness
  31. Santosha – contentment
  32. Tapas – self-discipline or heat
  33. Saucha – cleanliness or purity
  34. Ishvara pranidhana – surrender to a higher power or divine consciousness
  35. Ananda – bliss or joy
  36. Bhakti – devotion or love
  37. Karma – action or cause and effect
  38. Jnana – knowledge or wisdom
  39. Raja – royal or regal
  40. Tantra – a system of yoga that seeks to merge the individual self with the universal consciousness
  41. Kundalini – a dormant energy coiled at the base of the spine that can be awakened through yoga and meditation
  42. Pratyahara – withdrawal of the senses from external stimuli
  43. Nadi – energy channels in the body
  44. Surya – sun or solar
  45. Chandra – moon or lunar
  46. Bhujangasana – cobra pose
  47. Adho Mukha Svanasana – downward facing dog pose
  48. Virabhadrasana – warrior pose
  49. Uttanasana – standing forward bend pose
  50. Padmasana – lotus pose
  51. Bakasana – crow pose
  52. Salamba Sirsasana – supported headstand pose
  53. Vriksasana – tree pose
  54. Balasana – child’s pose
  55. Malasana – squat pose
  56. Garudasana – eagle pose
  57. Natarajasana – dancer pose
  58. Tadasana – mountain pose
  59. Trikonasana – triangle pose
  60. Ustrasana – camel pose
  61. Utkatasana – chair pose
  62. Navasana – boat pose

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