Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Om Sahana Vavatu… mantra from UpanishadOm Sahana Vavatu Sahanau BhunaktuMay he protect both of us (teacher & student), May he nurture both of us
Sahaveeryam Karavavahaie

May we both acquire the caliber to self-realization
Tejasvinaa vadheetamastu

May our study be fruitful
Maa vidhvishavahaie

May we not argue with each other (teacher & student)
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om  Peace, Peace, Peace

– Taittreya Upanisad

Gayathri MantraOm bhur buvah svahaOn the physical plane, the subtle plane, and the causal plane

Tat savitur varenyam

we meditate on the divine light of the sun of spiritual consciousness

bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

May it stimulate our power of spiritual perception

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om  Peace, Peace, Peace

Santhi MantraSarve Bhavantu SukhinahaMay all be happy
Sarve Santu Niramayah

May all be free from all disease
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu

May all enjoy what is auspicious
Ma Kaschid Dhuka Bhag Bhavet

May none suffer from sorrow.

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om  Peace, Peace, Peace

Santhi MantraSarvesham Svasti BhavatuMay auspiciousness be unto all

Sarvesham Santir Bhavatu

May peace be unto all

Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu

May fullness be unto all

Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu
May prosperity be unto all
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Shanthi MantraAsato Maa, SadgamayaaLead me from the unreal to the Real

Tamaso maa, Jyotir gamayaa

Lead me from darkness to the Light

Mrityor maa, Amritam Gamayaa

Lead me from mortality to Immortality

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Maha Mrityunjaya MantraOm trayambakam yajamaheWe worship the three-eyed Lord (Shiva)

sugandhim pushtivardhanam

who is full of sweet fragrance and nourishes human beings.

urvarukamiva bandhanat

May he liberate me from the fear of death like the cucumber of the vine freed from its stem


but not from the nectar of immortality

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Prayer to PatanjaliYogena Chittasya Padena VachamI bow to the sage Patanjali
Malam Shareerasya Cha Vaidya Kena
who cured the imperfections of the mind through yoga

Yopakarotham Pravaram Muninaam
imperfections of speech through grammar

Patanjalim Pranjali Ranatosmi
imperfections of the body through medicine

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Astanga Yoga MantraOMVande  Gurunam Caranaravinde

Sandarsita svatma sukhava bodhe

Nih sreyase jangalikayamane

Samsara halahala mohasantyai

Abahu purusakaram

Sankhacakrasi dharinam

Sahasra sirasam svetam

Pranamami Patanjalim


I pray to the lotus feet  of the supreme Guru who teaches the good knowledge, showing the way to knowing the self awakening great happiness; who is the doctor of the jungle, able to remove the poisonof the ignorance of conditioned existence. To Patanjali, an incarnation of Adisesa, white in color with 1000 radiant heads, a wheel of fire (discus of light, representing infinite time), and a conch –   To him, I prostrate.

Mangala MantraOmSvasti praja bhyaha pari pala yantam

Nya yena margena mahi mahishaha

Go brahmanebhyaha shubamastu nityam

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu

Om shanti shanti shantie

Let prosperity be glorified -let rulers, rule the world with law and justice let divinity and erudition be protect, let all beings be happy and prosperous.

Guru MantraGuru Brahma Gurur VishnuThe Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha

The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)

Guru Saakshat Para Brahma

My Salutation to such a Guru
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

who is verily the Supreme God
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om peace, peace, peace

Guru MantraDhyana Mulam Gurur MurthihThe root of meditation is the guru’s form

Pooja Mulam Gurur Padam

The root of worship, the guru’s feet

Mantra Mulam Gurur Vakyam

The root of mantra, the guru’s word

Moksha Mulam Gurur Kripa

The root of freedom, the guru’s grace

Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi

Om peace, peace, peace

Prayer to InfinitieOm Poornamadah PoornamidamOm. That is full, this is full.
Poornaat Poornamudachyate

From the full, the full is taken
Poornasya Poornamaadaya

the full has come (fullness proceeds from fullness)

If you take out the full from the full, the full alone remains.
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shanthie

Om peace, peace, peace

Dhyana MantraOmkaram bindu samyuktam
Nityam dhyayanti yoginaha
Kaamadam mokshadam chaiva
Omkaraya namo namaha
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantie

The yogis meditate constantly on the syllable Om composed of the sounds O and M. This Om fulfills all our desires and leads to liberation. Salutations again and again to this syllable Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Dhyana MantraSanaih Sanaih uparmet buddhya dhrtigrhitaya,Atmasamstham manah krtva na kincidapi cintayet

With the intellect set in steadiness, with the mind fastened on the Self, let us calm down the mind again and again and attain (quietude by degrees), let us not think of anything.

Prana MantraOm pranasyedam vashe sarvam
Tridive yath pratishthitam
Mateva putran rakshasva
Shreescha pranjnaa cha videhi na iti
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shanthie

All that exists in all the three worlds (below the earth, the earth and above the earth) is under the governance of prana. Oh prana, protect as a mother protects her children and grant us (real) wealth and wisdom. Om peace, peace, peace

Santhi  MantraOm Bhadram Karnebhih srnuyama devaBhadram pasyemaksabhiryajatra,


Vyasema devahitam yadayuh.

Svasti na Indro vrddhasravah

Svasti nah pusa visvavedah,

svasti nastarksyo aristanemih,

svasti no brhaspatirdadhatu

Om Santhi Santhi Santhie

Om, Oh Gods, may we with our ears hear what is auspicious, Oh we capable to be worshipped, may we with our eyes see what is auspicious, May we enjoy the life allotted to us by the gods, offering  our praise with our bodies strong of limbs, Om Peace Peace Peace.

Santhi Mantra Om San no Mitrah San VarunahMay Varuna be good to us

                  San no bhavatvarayama

May the Sun (Aryama) be good to us

           San na Indro Brhaspatih, San no

May Indra and Brahaspati be good to us

                     Visnururukramah, Namo Brahmane

May Visnu of great strides be good to us


          Namaste Vayo, Tvameva pratyaksam

Prostrations to the Brahman


            Brahmasi, Tvameva pratyaksam

I shall proclaim thee the visible Brahman


                Brahma vadisyami, Rtam vadisyami

I shall call thee Just


             Satyam vadisyami, Tanmamavatu

I shall call thee Just


            Tadvaktaramavatu, Avatu Mam

I shall call thee true


               Avatu vaktaram

May It protect me

May It protect the teacher


                 Om Santhi Santhi Santhie

Om Peace Peace Peace.

Surya Namaskar Mantra
Hiranmayena patrena satyasyapihitam mukham
tvam pusannapavrnu satyadharmaya drstaye
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shantihi
1. Om Mitraya Namah
2. Om Ravaye Namah
3. Om Suryaya Namah
4. Om Bhanave Namah
5. Om Kaghaye Namah
6. Om Pushne Namah
7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
8. Om Marichaye Namah
9. Om Savitre Namah
10. Om Arkaya Namah
11. Om Adityaya Namah
12. Om Bhaskaraya Namah


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