Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

According to Vedanta philosophy, there are four states of consciousness, which are:

  1. Jagrat (Waking State): This is the state of consciousness when we are awake and aware of the external world through our senses. It is the most common state of consciousness and the one in which we spend most of our waking hours.
  • Swapna (Dream State): In the dream state, we experience a different reality than the waking state. It is a state of consciousness where we are aware of our dreams, and the experiences we have in them. The dream state is said to be a reflection of our subconscious mind.
  • Sushupti (Deep Sleep State): The deep sleep state is a state of consciousness where there is no awareness of the external or internal world. It is a state of complete rest and rejuvenation, and the mind is said to be in a state of total bliss and peace.
  • Turiya (Transcendental State): Turiya is the fourth and highest state of consciousness, beyond the waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states. It is a state of pure awareness, beyond all thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences. In this state, the true nature of the self is realized, and one experiences a state of oneness with the universe.

The goal of spiritual practice in Vedanta philosophy is to move beyond the three lower states of consciousness and attain the state of Turiya, where one experiences the true nature of the self and the universe.

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