Virabhadrasana – II (Warrior – II Pose)
- This is warrior 2.
- Start in Tadasana.
- Step your feet three and a half to four feet apart on an exhale.
- Inhale and turn your right foot out 90 degrees.
- Turn your left foot inwards slightly so it is pointing in the direction of the right foot.
- Now exhale and press down until your right thigh is parallel to the ground, while your back knee is straight.
- Turn your torso so that your right hip is pointing forwards towards your right leg and your left hip is pointing in the direction of the back leg.
- On an inhale, raise your arms and reach out strongly to the sides, pointing the right arm in forward and the left arm behind.
- Keep your neck straight but relaxed.
- Stay here breathing easily for thirty seconds.
- Then slowly release the pose and come back to Tadasana.
- Repeat the pose on the other side.
- Knee concerns
- Neck concerns
- Opens and strengthens the shoulder joints.
- Through this pose the
- leg muscles become shapely and stronger.
- It relieves cramp in the
- calf and thigh muscles, brings elasticity to the leg and back muscles and also tones the abdominal organs.