Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Pros and cons of dynamic and isometric static hatha yoga style with example.

Dynamic Hatha Yoga: Typically done by people who are just beginning with the practice of yoga. As it is dynamic it involves a continuous flow of movement filled with energy. It is heat-producing and helps in bedding strength and flexibility.  Dynamic practices aid in food circulation,  tone the muscles,  improve joint movement,  strengthen longs building stamina,  and also improve the functioning of Digestive and Excretory Systems.  An exam plc of Dynamic  Hatha Yoga practice is Vinyasa, Hot yoga,   Surya namaskar, Asthanga Namaskara, etc.

isometric Static Yoga: Typically done by higher practitioners of yoga (intermediate-advanced), it is a sub-tie practice but greatly influences the Pranic Body. It is isometric practice hence involves maintaining asana for longer periods without movement.  The aim of this practice is to achieve sthira-sukha-  Asanam and let the internal body heat itself reaping the benefits of the pose.  It internally massages the organs improving their functioning.  It builds tranquillity and calmness within individuals preparing them for the higher practice of meditation and pratyahara.   The practice of Traditional Hatha Yoga Asanas by holding the asana for some time is an example of isometric  Static Practice.

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