Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Vibhuti Pada – Psychic powers are obstacles in path of Yoga
3.38. Te samadhvupasarga vyutthane siddhayah|
- Te-they
- Samadhau-in samadhi
- Upasarga-obstacles
- Vyuttane-in the state of the consciousness of the world
- Siddhayah-psychics powers
These psychic powers or siddhis are hindrances in path of samadhi, but in the state of consciousness of the world they are psychic powers.
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By samyama gain power of entering another’s body
3.39. Bandhakaranasaithilyat pracarasamvedanachcha chittasya parasarirapravesah|
- Bandha-bondage
- Karana-cause
- Saithilyat-by loosening
- Prachara-passage
- Samvedanat-by knowledge
- Cha-and
- Chittasya-of the subtle body
- Para-of others
- Sarira-body
- Avesah-entry
By releasing of the cause of bondage and by knowledge of the passage, the subtle body enters another person’s body.
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By samyama gain power of levitation
3.40. Udanajayajjalapankakantakadisvasanga utkrantischa|
- Udana-one of the five pranas
- Jayat-by mastery
- Jala-water
- Panka-mud
- Kantakadisu-with thorns etc.
- Asanga-no contact
- Utkrantih-levitation
- Cha-and
By samyama on udana upa prana there is non-contact with water, mud, thorns etc. and the body gets levitated.
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By samyama gain Aura
3.41. Samanajayajjvalanam|
- Samana-the samana vayu
- Jayat-by mastery
- Jvalanam-blaze
By applying samyama on the samana vayu, the body blazes.
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By samyama gain power of divine hearing
3.42. Srotrakasayoh sambandhasaàyamaddivyam srotram|
- Srotra-ear
- Akasayoh-space
- Sambandha-relation
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Divyam-divine
- Srotram-organ of hearing
By applying samyama on the relation of the ear and space, gained divine hearing.
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By samyama gain faculty of moving through space
3.43. Kayakasayoh sambandhasamyamallaghutulasamapatteschakasagamanam|
- Kaya-body
- Akasayoh-of space
- Sambandha-relation
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Laghu-light
- Tula-cotton, wool
- Samapatteh-by fusion of mind
- Cha-and
- Akasa-space
- Gamanam-going through
By applying samyama on the relation of body and space and by joining the mind wit the lightness of cotton, there is going through space.
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Gain universal state of mind
3.44. Bahirakalpita vrttirmahavideha tatah prakasavaranaksayah|
- Bahih-external
- Akalpita-unimaginable
- Vrttih-state of mind
- Mahavideha-existence wihout body
- Tatah-therefrom
- Prakasa-light
- Avarana-covering
- Ksayah-distraction
In the state of, existence without body, the vrittis are inconceivable and outside the scope of the body, whereby the covering of light is destroyed.
#200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore
By samyama mastery over twenty five tattvas or bhutas
- Sthula-gross
- Svarupa-real form
- Suksma-subtle
- Anvaya-interpenetrating
- Arthavattva-serving the purpose
- Samyamad-by samyama
- Bhutajayah-mastery over elements
By performing samayama on the gross, basic, subtle and interpenetrating states and the purpose of the bhutas, mastery over them is gained.
#200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore
By samyama attainment of eight psychic powers(asta siddhis)
3.46.Tato’nimadipradurbhavah kayasampattaddharmanabhighatascha|
- Tatah-therefrom
- Animadi-anima etc.
- Pradurbhavah-appearance
- Kayasampat-bodily well
- Tat-that
- Dharma-function
- Anabhighatah-non-obstructions
- Cha-and
From that the appearance of anima, perfection of the body and non-obstruction from the functions of the body gained.
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Perfection of the physical body
3.47. Rupalavanyabalavajrasamhananatvani kayasampat|
- Rupa-form, beauty
- Lavanya-grace
- Bala-stength
- Vajrasamhananatvani- hardness
- Kaya-physical
- Sampat-wealth
The perfection of the physical body includes beauty, grace, energy, and hardness.
#200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore
By samyama mastery of sense organs
3.48. Grahanasvarupasmitanvayasamyamadindriyajayah|
- Grahana-power of cognition
- Svarupa-real nature
- Asmita-egoism
- Anvayarthavatva samyamat-by samyama
- Indriyajayah-mastery over the sense organs
Mastery over the sense organs is obtained by applying samyama on the power of cognition, real nature, egoism, all-pervasiveness and purposefulness.
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Mastery over prakriti
3.49. Tato manojavitvam vikaranabhavah pradhanajayascha|
- Tatah-therefrom
- Manojavitvam-speed of mind
- Vikaranabhavah-freedom from sense organs
- Pradhanajayah-conquest of prakriti
- Cha-and
Therefrom follows speed like that of mind, independent from any medium of instrumentality and mastery of the limitations of prakriti.
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By samyama power of omnipotence & omniscience
3.50. Sattvapurushanyatakhyatimatrasya sarvabhavadhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam cha|
- Sattva-chitta
- Purusha-self
- Anyata-difference
- Khyati-awareness
- Matrasya-only
- Sarva-all
- Bhava-states of existence
- Adhisthatrtvam-supermacy
- Sarvajnatrtvam-omniscience
- Cha-and
Just by knowledge of the awareness of the difference between chitta and purusha follows supermacy over all states and forms of existence and omniscience.
#200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore
By samyama gain detachment and knowledge
3.51. Tadvairagyadapi dosabijaksaye kaivalyam|
- Tat-that
- Vairagyat-by vairagya
- Api-even
- Dosa-defect
- Bija-seed
- Ksaye-due to destruction
- Kaivalyam-isolation
By detachment, even regarding the powers, the seed of defect is eliminated and kaivalya is reached.
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Causes of downfall in spiritual path
3.52. Sthanyupanimantrane sangasmayakaranam punanistaprasangat|
- Sthani-gods
- Upanimantrane-on being respectfully
- Sanga-attachment
- Smaya-pride
- Akaranam-by not
- Punah-once again
- Anista-undesirable
- Prasangat-by revival
On being invited by the gods there should be no attachment and pride, because of the possibility of revival of the undesirable.
#200 hour Yoga teacher training certificate course in Bangalore
By samyama gain awareness of ultimate reality
3.53. Ksana tatkramayo samyamdvivekajam jnanam|
- Ksana-moment
- Tatkramayoh-its order of succession
- Samyamat-by samyama
- Vivekjam-born of realization
- Jnanam-knowledge
By applying samyama on moment and its order of succession is born the knowledge of realization of the ultimate reality.
By samyama knowledge of distinctions
3.54. Jatialaksana desairanyatanavachchhedat tulyayostatah pratipattih|
- Jati-birth
- Laksana-charaterictic
- Desayoh-by place
- Anyata-difference
- Anavachchhedat-on account of no definiton
- Tulyayoh-of the two similar objects
- Tatah-therefrom
- Pratipattih-knowledge
By samyama transcendental knowledge
3.55. Tarakam sarvavisayam sarvatha visayamakramam cheti vivekajam jnanam|
- Tarakam-transcendental
- Sarvavisayam-all subjects
- sarvatha visayam-object of every place
- akramam-beyond the order of successon
- cha-and
- iti-that is all
- vivekajam jnanam- knowledge born of viveka
Transcendental knowledge includes the knowledge of all objects beyond all orders of succession and is born of discrimination.
Attainment of kaivalya
3.56. Sattvapurusayoh suddhisamye kaivalyamiti|
- Sattva-chitta
- Purusayoh-of the purusha
- Suddhi-purification
- Samye-on becoming equal
- Kaivalyam-isolation
- Iti-end
Kaivalya is attained by equalizing and cleansing the illumination of purusha and chitta.