Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

How Yoga Breathing helps to control Emotions and Thoughts?

  • Yoga breathing, also known as pranayama, is a technique that involves controlling the breath to improve physical and mental health. It can help control emotions and thoughts by calming the nervous system and increasing mindfulness.
  • When we feel stressed or overwhelmed, our sympathetic nervous system is activated, which triggers the “fight or flight” response. This response increases heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and tension. Practicing pranayama techniques can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can help counteract the effects of the sympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation.
  • One of the main benefits of pranayama is that it helps regulate the breath, which in turn can help regulate the mind. When we are stressed or anxious, our breathing tends to become shallow and rapid. This can lead to feelings of panic and a sense of being out of control. By practicing pranayama, we can learn to control our breathing and slow it down, which can help us feel more calm and centered.
  • In addition to regulating the breath, pranayama can also increase mindfulness, which is the ability to stay present and aware in the moment. Mindfulness can help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and can help us learn to observe them without judgment. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with difficult emotions, as it can help us avoid getting caught up in negative thought patterns.
  • Some pranayama techniques that can be helpful for controlling emotions and thoughts include:
  • Ujjayi breath: This technique involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose while constricting the back of the throat. This creates a deep, ocean-like sound, which can help focus the mind and promote relaxation.
  • Nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing): This technique involves inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other, alternating between the two. It can help balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain and promote a sense of calm.
  • Bhramari (bee breath): This technique involves inhaling deeply and exhaling while making a humming sound like a bee. It can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety.
  • By incorporating pranayama into your daily routine, you can learn to control your breathing and cultivate mindfulness, which can help you better manage your emotions and thoughts.

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