Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

Frozen Shoulder and Yoga?

  • Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Yoga can be a helpful tool for managing frozen shoulder symptoms, but it’s important to approach the practice with awareness and sensitivity to your body’s needs and limitations. Here are some tips for practicing yoga with frozen shoulder:
  • Start with gentle movements: Begin with gentle movements that gradually warm up the shoulders, such as shoulder rolls and gentle twists.
  • Use props: Props like blocks, blankets, and straps can be helpful in supporting the body and reducing the amount of strain on the shoulders. For example, placing a blanket under the knees in child’s pose can reduce the amount of weight placed on the shoulders.
  • Avoid overstretching: Avoid overstretching or forcing the shoulders beyond their range of motion. This can exacerbate frozen shoulder symptoms and lead to further injury.
  • Modify the poses: Modifications can be made to poses to accommodate for limited shoulder mobility. For example, placing the hands on the hips in warrior II instead of extending the arms can reduce strain on the shoulders.
  • Focus on breath and relaxation: Practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and tension in the body, which can contribute to frozen shoulder symptoms.
  • Seek the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher: Working with a knowledgeable teacher who can provide guidance and modifications can be helpful in managing frozen shoulder symptoms.
  • If you experience persistent or severe frozen shoulder symptoms, it’s important to seek the guidance of a medical professional to rule out underlying conditions or injuries.

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