Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Sound Healing Course

Sound healing has been practiced for centuries as a form of natural therapy that uses vibrations from instruments to heal physical, mental, and emotional ailments. It is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that helps people relax, reduce stress, and improve their overall quality of life.

Sound healing courses offer an opportunity to learn about this ancient practice from experienced practitioners who specialize in this field. This course is designed to help individuals understand how sound can be used as a tool for self-healing and provide hands-on experience with different instruments such as gongs, drums, singing bowls, etc. Participants will also learn about the various benefits of sound healing for physical and mental health.

Sound healing methods stimulated the human body’s natural healing abilities. Earlier time people used lot of sound healing methods to study and treat chronic inflammation, arthritis, and bone calcification.

How Sound Healing Work?

Sounds are made up of vibrations, which affect the world around them. Organisms have their own vibratory rates, and objects have their own resonant frequencies. When an object is struck and placed next to or touching another object, the other object will begin to vibrate too. These vibrations affect people as well, at even an atomic level. The right combination of sounds can organize neural activity, stimulate bodies, and retune emotions, leading to calmness and productivity.


Session 1:

Essentials of Sound Healing

•Exploring the physics of sound, sound sources, harmony, and dissonance.

•Uncovering sound healing’s origins and its connection to vibration in science and mythology.

•Delving into the question: Does Sound Healing truly heal?

Sound’s Impact on Body and Mind

•Overview of contemporary sound therapy practices and their integration into modern healthcare.

•Examination of scientific studies and research on the effects of sound on various health conditions.

•Exploring how sound affects the nervous system, brainwaves, and stress reduction.

•Learning how sound contributes to relaxation, emotional release, and overall well-being.

•Discovering Entrancement and resonance

•Exploring cymatics and how the human body responds to vibrations.

 Session 2:

Creating Sound Healing Sessions:

  • How to design and structure effective sound healing sessions for individuals and groups.
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Various fields of sound
  • Integral approach for individual and group

•Planning the progression of sounds and frequencies for optimal outcomes & importance of integration and self-reflection tools

•Preparing the space, client and yourself for sound sessions

This can be covered in 3 topics of pre-session, during session & post session

  • Preparing the space
  • Preparing yourself
  • Preparing the client

Setting up ambience

•Instrument upkeep & relationship with our tools

•Upkeep of the space

•Position of the client/ people

Practical Skills:

•Techniques for creating harmonious and balanced sounds.

•Using sounds to help brain enter ‘idling’ mode

•Use of harmony & tuned sound

•Volume Dynamics

Session 3:

  • Integration with Other Therapies & ethical consideration
  • Exploring how sound healing can complement other therapeutic approaches, such as meditation, yoga, massage, etc.
  • Addressing ethical and cultural considerations when working with sound in a healing context.
  • Respecting clients’ boundaries and preferences – trauma informed approach
  • Guiding students in using sound for relaxation and inner exploration.
  • Customising sound healing practices to individual needs and preferences.
  • Safety & precautions – recognizing any potential contraindications or risks associated with specific sound therapies.

Practical Skills:         

  • Hands on training in playing various sound healing instruments.
  • Instruments & dynamics
  • Shamanic drum & rattles & shakers
  • Swinging chimes (elements)
  • Storm drum
  • Pulse tubes (7 chakras)

Session 4:

Sound Healing Tools and Techniques

•Understanding instrument selection for specific purposes.

•Discover the history of singing bowls in healing.

•Exploring different kinds of singing bowls

•Which ones to choose

•Examining different musical scales, including the modern A-G scale and the Indian scale, with a focus on the debate between 432 Hz and 440 Hz.

Learning to Play Instruments & Dynamics:

•Singing bowls (7 chakras)


•Percussion instruments


•Tongue Drums

Practical Skills:

•Preparing the space, yourself and the client

•Hands-on training in playing various sound healing instruments.

•Techniques for creating harmonious and balanced sounds.

•What kind of bowls to use

•Positioning bowls corresponding to chakras

Session 5:

Nada Yoga & Indian classical music

•Nada Brahma

•Science of Nada Yoga

•Sound and origin of the universe, AUM

•Ragas : Time and music, season and music

•Some powerful chants

Ragas, Chakras, Mantras and Meditation

•Exploring connection of Ragas with emotions, times of day and seasons of year

•What mantras can be used in chakra sound healing

•Understanding how different frequencies affect various parts of the body and chakras

•How are specific sounds and intonations related to chakras and used in healing?

•Practical chakra meditation with instrumental sounds

•Visuals and audio of instruments as related to each chakra.

Session 6:

•Exploring Drum circles and rhythmic patterns

•Overview of the course

•Practical sound healing sessions with participants

Course Facilitator

Meet Uma Kubsad

Wonderful yoga and meditation teacher and sound therapist!

Deeply rooted in the practice of yoga and meditation, she aims to share her passion for mindfulness, inner peace and emotional well-being through her teachings. Her classes emphasize the importance of physical, mental and emotional alignment as well as deep relaxation through sound therapy.

With years of experience in the field of yoga and meditation, she has studied under various renowned teachers and has completed several teacher training courses. She has also attained a certification in sound therapy, enabling her to incorporate the transformative power of sound into her yoga classes and meditation sessions.

Her students describe her as a gentle, kind and patient teacher who emphasizes the beauty of self-care and self-love. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, she offers customized instruction to meet your unique needs and goals. Join her classes and sessions to experience the power of breath, movement, sound and stillness in calming your mind, releasing tension and transforming your life.
