Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Professional Yoga Teacher Training

About Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham provides a completely student-centered, authentic, comprehensive, and supportive approach towards, those who want to become efficient and better yoga teachers or practitioners. We specialized in certified 200 hr (Hatha Yoga), 300 hr (Multi-Style) & 500 hr (blend of Hatha and Multi-style yoga) yoga teacher training certificate courses. We offer various 50 Hr, & 100 Hr Yoga Continuing Education Courses (YACEP) Training programs to deepen knowledge and improve teaching skills through various yoga teacher training courses, as well as in short-term intensive yoga courses and workshops. 

Our yoga school has a team of experienced and highly qualified teachers from various yogic styles and traditions.  We believe that everyone has different needs and preferences. To give you choice and variety we teach different styles of Hatha Yoga including 200 hr in Hatha Yoga style and 300 hr in Multi-Style yoga including Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, and Yin Yoga. We deeply understand the anatomical differences as well as limitations and pre-dispositions, which we are all born with. Our training is focused on adjustments for students of all levels. Our 200 and 300-hour yoga teacher training courses are internationally recognized and registered with Yoga Alliance USA.

Welcome to Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham provides a completely student-centered, authentic, comprehensive, and supportive approach towards, those who want to become efficient and better yoga teachers or practitioners. We specialized in certified 200 hr (Hatha Yoga), 300 hr (Multi-Style) & 500 hr (blend of Hatha and Multi-style yoga) yoga teacher training certificate courses. We offer various 50 Hr, & 100 Hr Yoga Continuing Education Courses (YACEP) Training programs to deepen knowledge and improve teaching skills through various yoga teacher training courses, as well as in short-term intensive yoga courses and workshops. Our yoga school has a team of experienced and highly qualified teachers from various yogic styles and traditions.

About Us

Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham helps yoga enthusiasts who want to become a yoga teacher. This teacher training program has been thoughtfully structured keeping in mind the students’ mental and physical capabilities. You will be gently encouraged to strengthen your learning, practicing, and teaching skills in a supportive environment. Karuna Yoga aims to help you complete the Teacher Training course successfully no matter what your level so you can become a world-class yoga teacher. 

We believe that everyone has different needs and preferences. To give you choice and variety we teach different styles of Hatha Yoga including 200 hr in Hatha Yoga style and 300 hr in Multi-Style yoga including Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, and Yin Yoga. We deeply understand the anatomical differences as well as limitations and pre-dispositions, which we are all born with. Our training is focused on adjustments for students of all levels. Our 200 and 300-hour yoga teacher training courses are internationally recognized and registered with Yoga Alliance USA.

Our Accreditation Internationally

Accredited by Yoga Alliance USA.

Our Yoga Teacher Training Courses

RYT 200 Hour
Yoga TTC

RYT 300 Hour
Yoga TTC

RYT 500 Hour
Yoga TTC

Our YACEP Courses


Upcoming Course Dates

Upcoming 200 & 300 Hour OFFLINE/ONLINE Yoga Teacher Training in Bangalore 2023-24
(Charges for Indian citizens only. For food & accommodation extra charges) 
 TTC 200(L-1)J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekdays6.30-9.30amEach Month First Date02 –  MonthsOPEN35,000 INR
TTC 200(L-2)J.P.Nagar-B’lore     Weekdays10.30-5.00 pmEach Month First Date40 – DaysOPEN55,000 INR
TTC 200(L-1)J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekdays10.30-2.00pmEach Month First Date40 – DaysOPEN35,000 INR
TTC 200(L-2)J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekend8.30-5.00 pmEach Month First Date03 – MonthsOPEN55,000 INR
TTC 200(L-1)J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekend8.30- 1.30pmEach Month First Date03 – MonthsOPEN35,000 INR
TTC 200(L-1)J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekdays5pm – 8pmEach Month First Date02 – MonthsOPEN35,000 INR
ATTC – 300J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekdays 6.30 – 9.30amEach Month First Date03 – MonthsOPEN48,000 INR
ATTC – 300J.P.Nagar-B’loreWeekend8.30 – 1.30pmEach Month First Date03 – MonthsOPEN48,000 INR
TTC 200(L-2)J.P.Nagar-B’loreOne Month  ResidentialEach Month First Date30 – DaysOPEN55,000 INR

Upcoming Course Dates

Upcoming 500, 100 & 50 Hr OFFLINE/ONLINE Yoga Teacher Training in B’lore 2023-24 (Charges are without food and accommodation, for Indian citizens only)
500 Hr ATTCJ.P.Nagar – B’loreWeekdays6:30am – 9;30amEach Month First Date05 – MonthsOPEN80,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
500 Hr ATTCJ.P.Nagar – B’loreWeekdays8.30 – 5.30pmEach Month First Date02 – MonthsOPEN1,32,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
500 Hr ATTCJ.P.Nagar – B’loreWeekend8.30 – 1.30pmEach Month First Date04 – MonthsOPEN80,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
100 Hr TTCVinyasaWeekend8.30 – 5.30pmEach Month First Date15 – DaysOPEN25,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
100 Hr TTCHatha YogaWeekdays6am – 9amEach Month First Date15 – DaysOPEN25,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
100 Hr TTCYoga TherapyWeekdays8.30 – 1.30pmEach Month First Date15 – DaysOPEN25,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
50 Hr TTCYin YogaWeekdays8.30 – 1.30pmEach Month First Date07 – DaysOPEN15,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
50 Hr TTCRestorative YogaWeekdays8.30 – 5.30pmEach Month First Date07 – DaysOPEN15,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE
50 Hr TTCAshtanga YogaWeekdays6am – 9amEach Month First Date07 – DaysOPEN15,000 INRAPPLY ONLINE 

Course Dates Available

100 Hour – Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour – Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour – Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour – Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour – Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour – Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course

10 Hour – Mantra Chanting Certificate Course

12 Hour – Beginners Yoga Certificate Course

15 Hour – Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, & Bandha Course

12 Hour -Patanjali Yoga Sutra Certificate Course

12 Hour – Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology Certificate Course

10 Hour – Yoga Philosophy Certificate Course

April - December 2023

12 Hours – Asana and Bio-Mechanism Training Course

10 Hours – Art of Adjustment & Asana Alignment Courses

12 Hours – Asana and Kinesiology Teacher Training Course

20 Hours – Yoga Techniques Teacher Training Course

20 Hours – Yoga Teaching Methodology Training Course

10 Hours – Asana Alignment & Verbal Cues Training Course

10 Hours – Yoga Class Sequencing Training Course

12 Hours – Shat-Karma (Detoxification Course) Training Course

20 Hours – Hatha Yoga Pradipika Certificate Course

1o Hours – Asana & Alignment Certificate Course

15 Hours – Pranayama & Meditation Certificate Course

20 Hours – Yogic Suksma Vyayama Training Course

RYT - 200 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

Course Details

This is a four-week non-residential course on Hatha Yoga, designed for successfully completing graduate of the Yoga Teachers Training Course (TTC). The syllabus consists of Hatha Yoga, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Yoga Nidra, Kriyas and Meditation. This course also covers additional topics on Bhagavad Gita, Pajanjali Yoga sutra, Yogic Diet and Nutrition, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, Hatha Yoga based Anatomy and Physiology and Sanskrit.


This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of yoga. Participants do not need to be yoga teachers. Mastery of any yoga practice is not necessary. Only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal growth. Even if you do not wish to are required be a yoga teacher, you may attempt this course to deepen the understanding of the philosophies as well as for the intense purification experience and for the personality development. Classes start at the Beginners’ Level and progress through to the Intermediate Level. 

Theory and Practice of Hatha Yoga


  •  Basic elements of Asanas and Pranayamas, Mudras & Bandhas.
  • Three principles of practices, alignment, relaxed respiration & consciousness.
  • Transitioning into Asana – Transitioning out of Asana.
  • Asana Modification variations and the use of props.
  • Classical Surya Namaskara & Astanga Surya Namaskara
  • Touch, somatic, and self-transformation. Beginner to intermediate level.
  • Standing forward bending – Balancing & Twisting Asana.
  • Core Strengthening Asana, Arm Balancing Asana, Backward Bending Asana,
  • Seated forward bending & twisting Asanas.
  • Balancing asana. Supine Twists – Backward bending. Hip & Pelvic Opening Asanas.
  • Inverted Asana
  • Shoulder work, arm strengthening, arm balancing, rotation of arms and shoulders.
  • Pranayama- going deeper into the essence of breathe. Chakra balancing asana sequence.
  • Mantra Meditation, Chakra Meditation, and Breathe Awareness. 


  • Creating Space for Self-Transformation
  • Classroom Set up and Orientation
  • Class Levels and Prerequisites
  • Exploring clear and precise verbal expression
  • Class Etiquette
  • Teaching styles and the varieties of approach
  • Waking Up the Spiritual Environment
  • Techniques and Tools In Teaching Yoga
  • Application of modifications for individual needs
  • Business approach 


    • Pranas, Upa-pranas, Chakras, Nadis, & Granthis. Pancha Kosa(five layer of existence)
    • Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology. Cardiovascular system, Nervous System.
    • Respiratory System, Musculoskeletal System & Spinal Cord.
    • Yoga and spine. Structure and function of spine.
    • Types and functions of bone. Skeletal system and asana.
    • Physiology of stretching during asana practice.
    • How to stretch safely with their individual limitation.
    • Biomechanics of stretching
    • Kinesiology: To understand different movement of human body at minor and major joints levels. 


  • Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, & Raja Yoga
  • Vedas, Katha Upanisad, Taittiriya Upanisad, & Mandukya Upanisad
  • The Bhagavad Gita (selected chapter)
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras (selected sutra)
  • Yogic diet and nutrition
  • Ethics: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa. Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha, Sanyasa Ashrama.
  • Health and Wellness, Lifestyle. 


  • Practicing of Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Kriyas, & Bandhas
  • Practicing the basics of assisting and adjusting
  • Methodology of Asana, contraindications, and benefits
  • Observing others teaching, receiving/giving feedback 


  1. Vinyasa  Yoga
  2. Gentle Yoga

Tutorials, Assignment and Examination

  • Trainee will be required to engage in self-study and submit daily & weekly assignments on the basis of the day’s lectures and discussions.
  • There will be a practical and a theory exam at the end of the course to assess the students on their learning, practice and teaching during the  Teacher Training Course. 

RYT - 300 Hours Multi-Style Advanced Yoga Training Course

Course Details

This is a 300 hr (Multi-Style Yoga) course available in Week-Days (60-days), Week-End (5-months), Tailor-Made or intensive six-week non-residential mode, designed to help you successfully graduate the Yoga Teachers Training Course (TTC). In the 300-hour program we concentrate on the art of teaching yoga, the sequencing of yoga classes based on multi-style yoga. It includes Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, alignment & adjustments, and the healing aspect of yoga. This is a second level of training which allows you to advance your yoga teaching skills and become an expert in many teaching styles for many different kinds of students.


Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham’s Advanced Teacher Training program is designed for those students who have completed an approved 200 Hour Teacher Training as designated by the Yoga Alliance, USA. The 300-Hour advanced yoga teacher training course builds upon the fundamental concepts taught in the 200-hour course and deepens your understanding and practice. The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bangalore, India prepares you to teach yoga principles, methods, alignment, modifications and techniques that are more advanced than those in the 200-hour course. 

Theory and Practice of 300 hours Multi-Style Yoga Training Syllabus

300 HR RYT – Techniques, Training and Practice
Hatha yoga
1. Advance Bandhas (Locks and muscular contraction)
2. Advance Kriya Pranayama
3. Advance Mudras (gesture)
4. Advanced Pranayama practice
5. Hatha yoga balancing asana
6. Jyothi Trataka
7. Vedic mantra chanting
8. Sukshma Vyayama(subtle exercise)
9. Hatha Supine Asana Sequence
10. Traditional and Astanga Surya Namaskara
11. Warm up Practice
12. Hatha Inverted Sequence Asana
13. Hatha Sequencing Forward, backward and lateral Bending Asanas
14. Shatkarma: Advance internal Purification Methods
15. Hatha Seated Asana Sequence
16. Hatha Twisting Asana Sequence
Astanga yoga
1. Astanga Yoga
Vinyasa yoga
1. Vinyasa Arm Balancing Sequencing
2. Vinyasa Core Sequence
3. Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga
4. Vinyasa Standing Sequence
5. Vinyasa Flow
Gentle Yoga
1. Yogic Techniques for arthritis
2. Yoga for Asthma
3. Yoga for Back pain
4. Cardiovascular Yoga
5. Yoga for Diabetes mellitus
6. Yoga for Gastro Intestinal Disorder
7. Yoga for Anxiety and depression

Yin Yoga
1. Yin Yoga (Restorative Yoga) Practice
Restorative yoga
1. Yoga Nidra Practices
2. Vippasana Meditation
3. Ajapa Japa
1. Alignment cues, touch and adjustment
2. Asana alignment and adjustment
3. Asana and its modification method
4. Asana holding duration
5. Asanas Variations, and the Use of Props
6. Basic arc structure of class
7. Breathing pattern in Advanced Asana
8. Different types of touch
9. Five Basic Steps in Giving Hands-On Cues and Assistance
10. Foundations of Asana Practice
11. How not to do adjustment in Asana
12. How to Refine Asana practice
13. Injury Prevention
14. Observation skill while taking class
15. Practice Teaching Observation
16. Sequencing and planning classes
17. Sequencing Within and Across Asana Families
18. Seven Principles of Hands on Adjustments
19. Traditional Hatha Yoga & Modern Vinyasa Yoga
20. Teaching, Training and Practice
21. Transitioning into and out of Asanas
22. While During the Class 

300 HR RYT – Teaching methodology
1. Adaptability practice for all levels
2. Alignment for Advanced Yoga Asana
3. Asana Adjustment and Correction
4. Class Etiquette
5. Class Levels and Prerequisites
6. Classroom Setup and Orientation
7. Communication skills and group dynamics
8. Contraindications of modern yoga styles
9. Contraindications of modern yoga styles
10. Credentials of a Yoga teacher
11. Different Concepts for Yoga Classes
12. Ethics in Teaching and Touching
13. Gentle Yoga Sequencing & Structuring
14. Hatha Yoga Asana Sequencing
15. How to enquire new students
16. How to give asana instruction
17. Introduction to Teaching Methodology in Yoga
18. Partner Standing Observation
19. Physical Setting
20. Principles of asana demonstration
21. Science of yoga teaching
22. Teaching and Practice
23. Teaching Methodology
24. Teaching, Feedback & observing
25. Vinyasa Flow Alignment
26. Vinyasa flow sequencing
27. Vinyasa Flow Teaching Methodology
28. Voice and Language
29. Yin Yoga Sequencing
30. Yoga Business Skills
31. Alignment cues, touch and adjustment
32. Asanas Variations, and the Use of Props
33. Modifications, Variations, and the Use of Props
34. Hatha Yoga Balancing asanas
35. Different types of touch
36. Five Basic Steps in Giving Hands-On Cues and Assistance
37. How not to do adjustment in Asana
38. Injury Prevention
39. Learning Styles
40. Observation skill while taking class
41. How to Prepare for Class
42. Sequencing and Planning Classes
43. Sequencing Within and Across Asana Families
44. Seven Principles of Hands on Adjustments
45. While during the class 

300 HR RYT – Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology and Bio-Mechanism
1. Functional muscular system
2. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
3. Yoga for Arthritis & Skeleton system functions and effect of yoga.
4. Yoga for Asthma & Respiratory System
5. Yoga for Back pain and Spinal Cord
6. Yoga for Diabetes Mellitus & Endocrine System
7. Yoga for Digestive System
8. Yoga for hypertension and heart problems
9. Aerobic and Anaerobic Yoga
10. Asana and Kinesiology
11. Biomechanics of Stretching
12. Bio-Mechanism and Asana
13. Fundamentals of asana Stretching
14. Asana and Muscle Contractions
15. Muscular system & Yoga
16. Nervous System & Yoga
17. Muscle fiber and Asana 

300 HR RYT – Yoga Philosophy, Life style and Ethics
1. Antahkaranas(mind contents)
2. Ayurveda
3. Bhagavad Gita
4. Arjuna Viṣāda Yoga (The Despondency of Arjuna)
5. Sankhya Yoga (Path of Knowledge)
6. Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)
7. Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga (Yoga of Wisdom in action)
8. Karma Sannyasa Yoga (Yoga of Renunciation of Action)
9. Adhyatma Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)
10. Jnana Vijnana Yoga (saguna – with form; nirguna – without form)
11. Akshara Brahma Yoga (Yoga of Imperishable Brahman)
12. Raja Vidya Raja Guhya Yoga (Yoga of Kingly Science and Kingly Secret)
13. Vibhuti Yoga (The Yoga of Divine Glories)
14. Visva Rupa Darsana Yoga (Yoga of the vision of the Cosmic Form)
15. Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)
16. Kshetra-Kshetrajna-Vibhaga (Distinction between Field and Knower of Field)
17. Guna Traya Vibhaga Yoga (Yoga of the Division of the Three Gunas)
18. Purushottama Yoga (Yoga of Supreme Purusha)
19. Ethics, teachings and practice of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
20. Consciousness and Yoga
21. Dharma(righteousness)
22. Principles of Tattvas according to Samkhya Yoga Philosophy
23. Hatha Yoga Pradipika-1
24. Kena Upanisad
25. Naturopathy
26. Pancha Kosa (five layers of existence)
27. Introduction to Patanjali Yoga Sutra
28. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras gist
29. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Samadhi Pada
30. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Sadhana Pada
31. Psycho Analysis Model in Bhagavad-gita
32. Science of Illness
33. Management of stress through yoga
34. Taittiriya Upanisad
35. Morals for Yoga Teachers
36. Aitareya Upanishad
37. Application of yoga Philosophy in Daily Life
38. Yoga History & Ashtanga Philosophy
39. Chakras (Energy Vortex)
40. Health, Wellness & Lifestyle
41. History of Yoga and asana
42. Isavasya Upanishad
43. Katha Upanishad
44. Meaning and Definitions of Yoga
45. Mundaka Upanisad
46. Nadis(energy channels)
47. Pranas
48. Prasna Upanishad
49. Shad-Darshan (Six Schools of Indian Philosophy)
50. Yogic Diet and Nutrition 

300 HR RYT – Practicum
1. Asana teaching and adjustment
2. Practicum (assistant in class)
3. Practicum (gentle yoga class)
4. Practicum (Hatha or Vinyasa full class)
5. Practicum (hatha yoga class)
6. Practicum (mock class according to team)
7. Practicum (Vinyasa yoga class)
8. Practicum(Vinyasa flow)
9. Mudra & Bandha Class
10. Pranayama Class
11. Pratyahara(sensory withdrawal) Class
12. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) Class
13. Back bending Asana Class
14. Core and Inverted Asana class
15. Forward bending & hip opening class
16. Mudra & Bandha Class
17. Standing Asana Class
18. Pranayama Class
19. Pratyahara(sensory withdrawal) Class
20. Sitting Asana Class
21. Supine Asana Class
22. Twisting Asana Class 


  1. Vinyasa  Yoga
  2. Gentle Yoga

Tutorials, Assignment and Examination

  • Trainee will be required to engage in self-study and submit daily & weekly assignments on the basis of the day’s lectures and discussions.
  • There will be a practical and a theory exam at the end of the course to assess the students on their learning, practice and teaching during the  Teacher Training Course. 

RYT - 500 Hours Advanced Yoga Training Course

Course Details

Our 500-hour yoga teacher training course is a comprehensive, integrated course for becoming an advanced and versatile yoga teacher. The course combines the 200 hr in Hatha Yoga style and 300 hr in Multi-Style yoga includes Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga, Yoga Teacher Training Courses. The 500-hour professional teacher training course is on par with international education standards for yoga teachers. After completing this programme, you can register as an advanced registered yoga teacher or RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance USA. You will have a proper understanding of the definition, meaning, history and background of yoga and yogic philosophy. You will also understand enough functional anatomy and physiology to be able to give safe classes to students of different ages, backgrounds and experience levels. You will also learn various principles, techniques, kinesiology, biomechanics, meditation and methods of concentration for yourself and to guide others in a safe practice.


Theory and Practice of 500 hr Yoga Teacher Training Course


  •  Basic elements of Asanas and Pranayamas, Mudras & Bandhas.
  • Three principles of practices, alignment, relaxed respiration & consciousness.
  • Transitioning into Asana – Transitioning out of Asana.
  • Asana Modification variations and the use of props.
  • Classical Surya Namaskara & Astanga Surya Namaskara
  • Touch, somatic, and self-transformation. Beginner to intermediate level.
  • Standing forward bending – Balancing & Twisting Asana.
  • Core Strengthening Asana, Arm Balancing Asana, Backward Bending Asana,
  • Seated forward bending & twisting Asanas.
  • Balancing asana. Supine Twists – Backward bending. Hip & Pelvic Opening Asanas.
  • Inverted Asana
  • Shoulder work, arm strengthening, arm balancing, rotation of arms and shoulders.
  • Pranayama- going deeper into the essence of breathe. Chakra balancing asana sequence.
  • Mantra Meditation, Chakra Meditation, and Breathe Awareness. 


  • Creating Space for Self-Transformation
  • Classroom Set up and Orientation
  • Class Levels and Prerequisites
  • Exploring clear and precise verbal expression
  • Class Etiquette
  • Teaching styles and the varieties of approach
  • Waking Up the Spiritual Environment
  • Techniques and Tools In Teaching Yoga
  • Application of modifications for individual needs
  • Business approach 


    • Pranas, Upa-pranas, Chakras, Nadis, & Granthis. Pancha Kosa(five layer of existence)
    • Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology. Cardiovascular system, Nervous System.
    • Respiratory System, Musculoskeletal System & Spinal Cord.
    • Yoga and spine. Structure and function of spine.
    • Types and functions of bone. Skeletal system and asana.
    • Physiology of stretching during asana practice.
    • How to stretch safely with their individual limitation.
    • Biomechanics of stretching
    • Kinesiology: To understand different movement of human body at minor and major joints levels. 


  • Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, & Raja Yoga
  • Vedas, Katha Upanisad, Taittiriya Upanisad, & Mandukya Upanisad
  • The Bhagavad Gita (selected chapter)
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras (selected sutra)
  • Yogic diet and nutrition
  • Ethics: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa. Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha, Sanyasa Ashrama.
  • Health and Wellness, Lifestyle. 


  • Practicing of Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Kriyas, & Bandhas
  • Practicing the basics of assisting and adjusting
  • Methodology of Asana, contraindications, and benefits
  • Observing others teaching, receiving/giving feedback 


  1. Vinyasa  Yoga
  2. Gentle Yoga

Tutorials, Assignment and Examination

  • Trainee will be required to engage in self-study and submit daily & weekly assignments on the basis of the day’s lectures and discussions.
  • There will be a practical and a theory exam at the end of the course to assess the students on their learning, practice and teaching during the  Teacher Training Course. 

What You can expect from us?

  • Yoga Alliance USA certification as RYT 200/300 which is an international certification that allows you to teach yoga anywhere in the world.
  • Well qualified and experienced faculty with their own specialties.
  • Adequate guidance to individuals and groups during training sessions.
  • Yoga helps in self-discipline, leading to immense awareness, concentration and accessing a higher level of consciousness.
  • To enable the student to have sound body and sound mind, along with adopting Yoga ethics.
  • Yoga course help, to learn to handle oneself well in all situations, to learn the techniques of gaining good health, to develop a discriminating mind capable of distinguishing the real from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with equanimity.
  • The course will increase levels of awareness and lead to a balanced attitude towards social activity.
  • At the end of the course you will have adopted a healthy life style and will be fit to guide others on this path by becoming a skilled Yoga teacher.
  • At the yoga TTC at Karuna Yoga, students learn a unique combination of Hatha Yoga, Astanga Yoga, Vinyasa flow, Gentle yoga and alignment principles. This approach has the ultimate goal of encouraging the practice of injury free yoga. 


Assessment is based on:

  • Regular attendance of all classes.
  • Attitude and behaviour inside and outside of the ashram while attending the course.
  • Performance and attitude during the practical asana, pranayama, bandhas and kriya classes.
  • Hatha yoga teaching skills.
  • Written daily summary of the main philosophy classes and Hatha yoga theory classes.
  • Upon successful completion of the course students receive the Certificate from the Karuna Yoga School. 


On the successful completion of the course, the trainee is qualified to register with Yoga Alliance, USA, to be recognized as a Certified International Yoga Teacher-RYT 200/300.

Assessment and Certification

The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a practical as well as written examination at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students. Participant should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible to receive the course diploma.

How to register

You can apply online with an application & registration fee of INR 10,000 for Indian citizens only. For foreigners the application fee is USD 200, which is a non-refundable advance towards the course fee.


Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Yin Yoga

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Nidra



Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Alignment & Adjustment

Yoga Workshop

Asana & Alignment

Asana & Adjustment

Yoga Class Sequencing

Asana & Kinesiology

Personal Yoga Training at Home

Yoga for Wellness

Weekend Intensive Yoga

Yoga for Computer Users

Yoga for Seniors


Every Sunday, we arrange an opportunity for every student to experience India’s rich culture while bonding with your classmates and teachers. 

Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Stress Management Retreat

Health and Wellness Retreat

Yoga Therapy Retreat

Meet Our Gurus

Dr.S. Karuna Murthy (Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga & Kinesiology

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy

(Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga & Kinesiology)

Dr. S. Karuna Murthy is the Director and Founder of Karuna Yoga and he has been practicing yoga since the age of 18, Inspired by Swami Sivananda, founder of Divine Life Society. 

"Dr. Chow Siddhartha (Philosophy, Life-style & Meditation)"

Dr. Chow Siddhartha

(Philosophy, Life-style & Meditation)

Chow Siddhartha (Chametcha Singphow) studied yoga systematically undergoing Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor and Master Degree courses in Yoga under the internationally renowned yoga experts Dr. R. Nagarathna, MD, FRCP and Dr. H.R. Nagendra, PhD at SVYASA University, Bangalore, India.

Yogi Sudhansu Mohanty (body alignment and asana)

Yogi Sudhansu Mohanty

(body alignment and asana)

Teaching Hatha Yoga for over Ten years, Yogi Sudhansu Mohanty has earned his good name in motivating students with utmost professionalism. He helps students gain an understanding on body alignment and asana.  

Dr. Rati Rao, B.D.S.,

(Vinyasa Flow & Anatomy Physiology)

Dr. Rati, a dentist who discovered a love for Yoga in 2011. Have been teaching and practicing regularly Yoga since then ….finding joy in evolving both. Flow Vinyasa Yoga is her basic style.  

Read What Our Alumni Say about the Course
