Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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Biomechanics of stretching

Biomechanics of stretching 1. Isotonic contraction asana mechanism This is a type of contraction in which movement takes place, eg. When pushing or pulling an object. Eg. During Suryanamaskara. During a concentric contraction, tension is produced while the muscle shortens. During an eccentric contraction, tension is produced while the muscle lengthens. 2. Isometric contraction asana […]

Yoga Injuries and How To Prevent Them

Yoga Injuries and How To Prevent Them Some of the common contraindications of asana practice are as follows: High BP and cardiac conditions: People with hypertension or high blood pressure should generally avoid inverted asanas or any asana where the heart is above the head and poses that put additional pressure on the heart and […]

Isotonic Contraction and asanas

Eccentric Downward movement of joint. Tension is produced when the muscle lengthens. Concentric Upward movement. Tension is produced when the muscle shortens. Causes joint movement. When you move in and out of a pose, you are likely using concentric and eccentric contractions  

Isometric Contraction and asanas

This is a contraction in which movement does not take place, because the tension generated by the contracting muscle exceeds the load on the muscle. This occurs when you use your muscles to successfully push or pull an object Isometric contractions are very common in yoga, particularly when poses are held for several breaths. Thus, […]

anaerobic hatha yoga.

This happens without oxygen, fuel comes from muscle storage and is short, highly intense and burns fat directly. Example is weightlifting. More fast twitch muscle fibres are produced for strength. It increases lactic acid tolerance for endurance. It increases glycolysis, ATP, CP and creatine.

Aerobic hatha yoga  

This takes place with oxygen where carbohydrate and oxygen are used as fuel for the first two minutes after which fat is burned. These are lower intensity activities. More fat for energy is used and leads to a better ability to burn fat. Blood vessels increase and become bigger to accommodate the oxygen being used. […]

Fast twitch muscle fiber (type -2), with hatha yoga practices.

The greater your aerobic capacity, the longer your muscles can function without fatiguing or burning out. Type IIa fibers have more potential for increased aerobic capacity, whereas Type IIb fibers produce the highest energy forces within the quickest window of fatigue.

slow twitch muscle fiber (type -1), hatha yoga style

Slow-twitch, or Type I muscle fibers, are skeletal muscle fibers that slowly contract. Slow-twitch muscle fibers support everyday actions, like standing from a seated position and maintaining normal posture. Sun Salutation can be the respective hatha yoga style

hamstring muscles.

Hamstring muscles are in the back of the thigh, starting at the hip and inserting to the knee. The three hamstring muscles are: Biceps femoris, closest to the outside of your body. The function of this hamstring is to flex your knee, extend the thigh at your hip and rotate your lower leg from side-to-side when your […]

vital capacity

Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum amount of air a person can inhale after a maximum exhalation. It is equal to the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume.
