Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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60 min vinyasa yoga practice list and sequence it. both gender for the age group of 25 to 40,

who does not have any physical or mental illness?

– warm-up: cat-cow, balasana stretches to open the shoulders, balasana-  upward dog stretch, few breaths in down dog. Standing stretches.

– 2 rounds Ashtanga A with variation: Shoulder protraction and retraction in plank.

– 2 rounds Ashatnaga A with  Variation: Shoulder protraction and retraction in plank. + One leg

-2 rounds Ashatnaga A with  Variation: Shoulder protraction and retraction in plank. +  One leg plank + Three-legged Downward Dog and a leg to the elbow.

– 2 rounds Ashatnaga A with Variation: One leg plank + Three-legged Downward  Dog and leg to the elbow.  + pigeon

– 2 rounds Ashatnaga A with Variation: One leg plank +  Three-legged Downward Dog and a leg to the elbow + Warrior 1 to low lunge

– 2 rounds Ashatnaga A with Variation: One leg plank +  Three-legged Downward Dog and leg half Hanuman asana.

– Supine poses:    supta Pawanmuktasana, 2 sets of Bridge pose with one leg variation,  Ustrasana, and jathara Parivartasana

–   savasana


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