Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore

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There are three types of muscle contractions:

1. Concentric contraction: This type of muscle contraction occurs when the muscle fibers shorten while generating force. This type of contraction is commonly used in weightlifting exercises like bicep curls, where the bicep muscles contract and shorten to lift the weight.

2. Eccentric contraction: Eccentric contractions happen when the muscle fibers lengthen while generating force. This is commonly seen in exercises like the downward phase of a squat, where the quadriceps are lengthening while controlling the body’s descent.

3. Isometric contraction: Isometric contractions occur when the muscle generates force without changing its length. An example of an isometric contraction is holding a plank position, where the muscles are generating force to maintain the position without any movement.

Isometric and Isotonic Contraction

Isometric and isotonic contractions are two types of muscle contractions.

Isometric contraction is a type of muscle contraction where the muscle tension increases without any change in the length of the muscle. In other words, the muscle contracts but does not move. For example, holding a yoga pose such as plank or wall sit, where the muscle is contracted but there is no movement. This type of contraction is useful in strengthening the muscle in a specific position or angle.

On the other hand, isotonic contraction is a type of muscle contraction where the muscle changes in length while the tension remains constant. There are two types of isotonic contractions – concentric and eccentric.

Concentric contraction occurs when the muscle shortens while contracting against a resistance. For example, during bicep curls, the bicep muscle shortens as it lifts the weight. This type of contraction is useful in building muscle strength and increasing muscle size.

Eccentric contraction occurs when the muscle lengthens while contracting against a resistance. For example, during a downward phase of a bicep curl, the bicep muscle lengthens as it lowers the weight. This type of contraction is useful in building muscle endurance and improving muscle function.

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